You Are Measured By The Company You Keep
I was talking to a few friends who were missing the "Good Old Days" of Powerlifting. When there were measurable amounts of FREAKS and CHARACTERS. Granted, the doors are now wide open for a NEW breed to take the platforms, mostly brought on by the popularity of Crossfit and the commercializing and main stream promotions […]
Tuesday 2 laps prowler, Wed 20 mins walking 9/21 Lower Long strap abs 3x5 per stance-standing , high seat, lower seat for 5 rounds Reverse hypers 4x12 to open up the back and warmup some. Contrary to some of the things i see from the webtastics, this will always be a staple for good back […]
5 MORE HUGE STRONGMAN TIPS, Part III in this IV Part Series!!!!!
I Feel The Pain of Preparation So I'd Never Have To Know What The P...
My son is the recipient of many of my "Life Lessons". Since I'm as old as time itself and he's a mere TEN years old, there is an abundance of things I tell him that when he recites one or two, he sounds so far advanced beyond his innocence. We were chatting about his Hockey […]
In-Season Training
Right now we're in week 4 of football season. We're not too beat up, yet. That is coming, though. I'm still pushing fairly hard (for in-season training) on the main lifts and getting in plenty of assistance work on Sunday and Tuesday. Thursday I have back way off on. My focus is more on being […]
Training Catch-up
Wednesday: Conditioning Bike: 20 minutes Thursday: Deadlift/Bench Deadlift: 255x5/285x5/315x5/405x5 Weighted Dips (45lbs): 5x5 Weighted Pull-ups (45lbs): 5x5 FBB Bench: 205x5/225x5/245x5/205x10 RDL: 5x10 Ab Rollouts: 5x10 Friday: Bodyweight Circuit With 30lb weighted vest Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS: 5x5 each Sunday: Conditioning Bike: 30 minutes (10 miles) Monday: Squat/Press SSB Box Squat: 265x5/295x5/325x5/265x10 T-Bar Row: 5x10 […]
Today our Powerlifting squad hit some safety bar squats for two sets of heavy doubles. Most set Pr's or got dam close. After that they hit a lot of lower back/leg movements to compliment the training session. I hit some rack pulls pulling more than I have had in my hands in over a year […]
Today our lifters hit upper body mobility then onto pin press with the distance off the chest about 1-1.5 boards. After that they hit the seated row machine, DB decline bench, swimmers row against bands, then some other upper body and mid-section work. We are really coming together as a team at the gym. Will […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit heavy as hell rack pulls, rev-hypers, leg curls against bands, and some ghay planks for time. I tried to perform some rev hypers but the pressure on my chest is just too much. Really like theses hope I can do these soon. Been super busy at work, busy is good […]
Sept 14 Tuesday
Today our lifters hit our normal warm up and mobility work then headed to some 4bd press narrow grip for reps. After that they hit BB mils, Crazy bell shrugs, BB rows, Dips, windshield wipers and called it a day. I lifted yesterday hitting some DB mil presses. I only had one hand off/spot so […]
Selfies and Non Stop Gym Postings
The worst thing about those people who posts non-stop gym updates and photos is that all that exercise is gonna make him live longer. Geesh...Leave your phones with the cameras at home ! Decline Bench Press: 3x8 Bench Press: 4x8 Cable X over 4x25 super set w/ DB Laterals 4x25 C/S Retraction Shrugs: 4x15 […]
9/17 and 9/19
Sled 1 hour sunday, Monday 20 mins treadmill 9/17 Lower REverse hypers to start 4x12 Abs suspension strap roll outs 5x8 Straight bar GMs. Lots of sets at 3 reps working up to 365x2x2 Duffalo bar wide stance squats with Bowtie used as light support(briefy but much easier to get into) worked up to 375x3x2 […]
9/15- Raw High Rep Squats
We’ll still follow the same M2/Minimalist method of utilizing a gradually increasing range of motion by using a high box for heavy, parallel for high rep, then low box or no box for speed work.
The Best TRAINing Advice For Beginners
This is when you realize you are not competing against others but with the weights and your win/loss record isn't based on how many trophies you get but how many PRs you get after being knocked back.
TeamTPS at World’s Strongest Man
I am jacked up with pride about Nick Cambi's performance at World's Strongest Man.