Creating a Monster: Week 12 prep (2 weeks out)
Week 12... Finishing up the week, only 8 more days to go. Diet, cardio, training...
When Life Knocks You Down, Calmly Get Back Up, Smile, and Say "You ...
I don't let many things ruffle my feathers. Certain things will however, get under my skin and anger me like none other. One thing in particular that ags me, is NOT answering a simple direct question. When I ask a person for their perceived rate of exertion from 1-10 and they tell me.."oh that was […]
Boris Sheiko Interview Part 2: MUST WATCH-the Secrets of Russian Powerli...
The Secrets of Russian Powerlifting Revealed
Want a bigger Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift?
Watch this interview and take notes.
You will learn what his 3 favorite special exercises are for improving your lifts.
You will learn how to use paused reps and the correct percentages and pause length and much more.
9/14 Lower
Tuesday 2 laps prowler. Wed 20 mins walking before training Reverse hyper 4x12 Suspension strap ab rollout 4x8 SSB box with wide stance. Got up to a working weight for 7x3reps. I have always hated this bar. THe weight always went right into my low back. Luckily this time, my glutes and hams are sticky […]
"20 year olds are SO Annoying" said the 30 Year Old to the 40 ...
Quite frankly, anyone younger than me shouldn't HAVE an opinion. (That's all of you)
Jim Wendler and Dave Tate - Off Topic PlayList
This is the full playlist of the Table Talk discussions Jim and I had.
Tuesday Training: Bodyweight Circuit
*Added 30lb Weighted Vest for fun Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS/DB Clean from floor: 3x5 each/2x5 each The vest added a little misery to this. Got through it in about 20 minutes. No rush, just took my time, performed good, solid reps and got done what was on the docket.
Every Parent On Earth Gave Birth To A Child. Except Sports Parents, THEY...
I have an opportunity that many coaches don't ever get to have. I am a parent that sits on the outside of the glass that understands the Coach's mind set. As a parent of a youth Athlete that excels in Hockey and Lacrosse, I am quick to tell folks that HOCKEY might be the worse […]
Monday Sept 12
Today our powerlifting squad hit their daily mobility/prep work then safety bar squats was first on the agenda. After that they hit safety bar hypers. Pistol squats followed then heavy sled walks. Was a tough session for all from what I have heard. I am also programming for a fees strength coaches at a major […]
Today our lifters hit pin presses with the pins set 1.5-2 off chest. After that they hit our seated row machine, DB decline presses, swimmers rows, hammer curls, and the standing ab machine. Was a great day with great groups. I will be traveling to train a couple wrestlers every fri for awhile until their […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit speed deads against bands. The weight and tension was high. They hit 6x1. Afterwards they hit some pullthrus, safety bar walking lunge and a rotational movement. I took the last couple days off again as I am still coughing up a lot of crap and don't want to get sick […]
Today our lifters hit speed bench against bands with 60% on the bar with bands added. After that they hit higher reps on DB mil, DB shrugs, some variations of band pulls, predawn and abs. Was a good workout. I was still little under the weather unsure if I wil train his week as I […]
Monday Training: Squat/Press
SSB Box Squat: 255x5/285x5/315x5/255x10 Dips: 5x5 w/25lbs (27lbs would be 10% of bodyweight) T-Bar: 5x10 FBB Press: 95x5/115x5/135x5/95x20 RDL: 5x5@255 Ab Rollouts: 5x10 I did a bunch of Neck Harness reps. Felt really good today. I'm feeling rejuvenated in the weight room.
9/9 to 9/12
Sunday 1 hour sled, Monday 15 min walk before training. 9/9 Friday Upper Hammer row reverse grip 10x8 Lot of suspension strap upper work-Push up with pec flye 10 eachx 10 rounds Jm tricep press off suspension strap 6x8 Abs off straps 5x8 Shoulder rok manyxmany 9/10 Lower Ab wheel 5x10 REverse hypers 3x12 Deadlifts […]