Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Friday and Sunday Training
Friday and Sunday Training
Friday Dips/Pushdowns: 5x5/5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS/KB Swings: 2x5 each/3x10 each Sunday Bike: 20 minutes
a message from me to those that are attending (both NOW and in the future)
It Fires Me Up When I Plan My Day
It Fires Me Up When I Plan My Day
and everyone follows the script! Wow!!!
Murph’s Interview with Boris Sheiko Part 1
Murph’s Interview with Boris Sheiko Part 1
This is the first in a two part series. In this one, Boris discusses his trip to the USA, his visit with American Badass Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell, what he learned at Westside and more.
Body Dysmorphia?  Nah, Just Flat
Body Dysmorphia? Nah, Just Flat
Update on the SCGS compound and TRTbodybuilding:Longevity2 DVD
Woody Hayes Was Correct
Woody Hayes Was Correct
Go Buckeyes, WHOOP Michigan!!!
Thursday Training: Deadlift/Bench
Thursday Training: Deadlift/Bench
If you've read the Facebook you may know that Wendler, Dizenzo and I are doing a geriatric meet in December.  I even took video today to add to the hoopla.  I have no idea how to post it on here so I won't bother trying to figure it out.  But, I did get a good […]
9/5 and 9/7
9/5 and 9/7
prowler push tues and thur 2 laps, mon and wed 15 mins each stepmill before training 9/5 Upper Abs wind shield wipers 5x8 Back hammer row 8x8 REverse hyper one arm row with band 5x8 per arm Arm bars 5x3 per arm Mini banded EZ curl bar JMS mixed with burnouts 10 each wayx4 SHoulder […]
9/7- Light Bench
9/7- Light Bench
I’m still incredibly weak from coming off of corticosteroids and suffering from adrenal fatigue. Hopefully I’ll continue to improve and will be able to stop complaining about this soon.
Taking The Baton From My Friend Benny
Taking The Baton From My Friend Benny
Going to drop further off the grid
9/2- Easy upper body
9/2- Easy upper body
I'm hoping to feel normal and be strong again soon. These ongoing uncontrollable autoimmune issues suck ass.
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Training Updated
Training Updated
Training updated and 6'8 benching phenom!
9/1- Raw Speed Squats with a short, non exciting video
9/1- Raw Speed Squats with a short, non exciting video
I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things.
I Always Knew I was In Trouble
I Always Knew I was In Trouble
when my Mom yelled my FULL name. Anyone else?
Monday Training: Squat
Monday Training: Squat
Monday was a little better.  Felt like crap because of sleep deprivation.  I was up at 4am Friday and didn't get to sleep until around midnight that night.  Saturday I was up at 7am and got zero sleep on the bus right home.  We pulled in at 5am and I was in bed by 6am […]
Thursday Training
Thursday Training
I was a dummy on Thursday.  I had zero desire to lift.  I did this until I made a deal with myself. Deadlift: 225x5/265x5 Bench FSL: 3x8@185 T-Bar: 3x10 With warm-ups and all that stuff I just wasn't feeling it.  295 was my last set of deadlift.  I decided that if I did 295x20 I […]
Week 4 of NOV training in the books.

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