Today our lifters were off. We do a great split that I love. 2days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off. It really helps with recovery and allowing you to have a life with family as well. As far as for myself I hit some back work (pull downs, face pulls, then […]
Today our lifters hit some upper body movements. We did our normal mobility work prior then they hit speed bench, DB mil, shrug variations, some band variations triceps, then a boatload of ab work. I went in and coached and did some light curls, rice digs, and manual neck. Feeling ok just tired all the […]
Today is week 2 for our Powerlifting squad. We are hitting a lot of band movements. Speed squats against bands, heavy KB swings, heavy DB step ups, and sled pushes for time was all on the agenda. The reps and sets decreased some as the band tension/weight increased. I actually lifted today performing a whopping […]
Everybody Accumulates Damage
Thoughts, ideas, stories, training, and ramblings of a washed up meathead that won't let go of the dreams he'll never see. Husband, Father, Son, Brother, and Founder of Inc. — Dave blogs about ways to Live, Learn and Pass On. Apply what he has to say to training, business, and life.
Goggins Force Tearing Up The Platform
I have seen Steve personally invested in each lifter and their accomplishments. Check these out to see a few.
Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday I got in 20 minutes on the bike followed by steak. Wednesday Split Squat: 5x5 Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 10 Minute Pull-ups Challenge: 53 I was happy with 53 after doing 25 in the circuit. My back will be bad tomorrow when I have to squat. Good planning.
This One Thump'd Me
I stand amidst a sea of scorched land. Dirt and blood covered my hand. I wave a flag to an audience of dead. Bursting into tears as it cloudied my head. Imagining a world I thought would be better. Some may call me a hero but that's not what I'm after. Flame surrounds me as […]
When Should You Do Your First Powerlifting Meet?
My stand by answer for this used to be, as soon as you can. I used to advise people to enter the next meet that was close to where they lived. My reasons for this were to gain experience, learn how to navigate a meet, network with other lifters and set benchmarks for you own lifts. In short, establish
Open Letter About Online Coaching
I view this like a giant tree full of many roots and branches. This part is only one root of the tree. I will write about this topic more in the future but wanted to get this one piece out while it was on my mind and I had time.
Football Off-Season
We have two weeks of limbo before our first official game week starts. Here's what we're doing. DAY 1 Dynamic Warm-up Spiderman Progression Halos (PVC Shoulder Mobility) Hang High Pull/Push Press/Hang Snatch: 3x3 Hurdle-under: 2x3 each Squat: 2-3x5 Warm-up/3x3@70-85% (their choice) Hurdle-over: 2x3 each Bench: 2-3x5 Warm-up/3x3@70-85% (their choice) Plank: 4x60 seconds RDL: 2x10 RFESS: […]
Training Catch-up
Friday Training: Bodyweight Circuit Farmer's Walk: 5 trips Dips: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 Did this after 14 hours at work around 9:30pm. Just felt like working out. Saturday Training: Conditioning Bike: 6 miles Monday Training: Bench FBB Bench: 200x5/230x5/260x11 PR! Pull-aparts: 2x25 SSB Box Squat FSL: 5x5@245 Dips: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 T-Bar Row: 2x25 Neck Harness: […]
By All Means, Continue Telling Me How The Life You Created Is So Miserable
instead of taking actual steps to change it.
Training sessions
Sticking to the 15 mins of stepmill on training days and sled pulling on Sundays. Last Sunday was 45mins and this past Sunday was 5 laps upper body. We are heading up to Niagara Falls this weekend for the wife's birthday so gonna gonna cram alot of work a few days here Stamina is about […]
With the success that I have had in dropping the chub, I get asked a lot "What is the best training program to lose fat?" Here's my answer.