8/9- Some bench warm ups and a trip to the ER
Up until a couple of years ago when I had lost 15 lbs, couldn’t keep any food down, and finally caved in and went to the ER
I’ve Always Wanted To Walk Up To A Stranger And Hand Him A Briefcase
Then whisper... “you know what to do” and walk away.
Still alive and kicking. I had a great vacation in Aruba and managed to get a bunch of training in.
8/8- A rough raw deadlift day w/video and some advice on dealing with on...
The more you feed into it, the more you satisfy the critic. That’s exactly what they’re looking for. Delete it, block them, let it go and move on. I can assure you you’ll be much better off.
How to Run a Great Strongman Contest Part 1
My first show started at 9:00 a.m. and ended well past 1:30 a.m., that over 16 hours of you are doing the math.
Blasting Bench
Dynamic Bench: 12x3x50% Plyo Pull ups: 12x3 These are pulls so hard that you can clap your hands between reps Plyo Push ups: 12x3 From the floor...explode between two 12 inch boxes and land on them softly. Face Pulls: 5x5x a ton Pull up totals=5816 (Complete) Push Up totals=7317 Dip Totals-9180 Prowler Totals: 24,122 yards (No […]
8/10 Lower and das news.
15 min stepmill Up to 212 after some heavy eating. Decided in order to make the climb back to 230lb a more muscular gain I am implementing some no carb days along with a couple medium days and the rest high carb. Gonna try it out an see. If I fatten up too quick over […]
Seems like there's something in the air. My allergies are kicking my butt. Funny, because I don't have issues with allergies. Kentucky is a different animal. My first year down here lit me up. Last year I was good. For some reason, I'm fighting some issues, now. I'm loaded to the gills on caffeine, allergy […]
8/3- Back and Bis with the wifey
I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve referred to Trinity as my wifey. Anyway, my regular training partners were gone again so she agreed to join me for motivation. Other than trying to talk to me in the middle of my sets things went well and I appreciate her support.
Why You're Still an Intern
You've followed every coach on social media, listened to every podcast, and gave out your business card to everyone you've met at every conference you attended. So why are you on your third consecutive unpaid internship?
Sticks and Stones
"If your foot slips, you can always recover your balance. But when your tongue slips, you can never recover your own words."
"We're Going To Train The Lad"
"Maybe I'm just spitballing here, maybe we have a responsibility as officers to train Santiago, maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this county to see that the men and women charged with its security are trained professionals. I'm certain I've read that somewhere once, and now I'm thinking your suggestion of "transferring Santiago" […]
Some training
Back to training 4 solid days a week. Starting each session with 15 minutes of stepmill. Adding alittle more intensity each session. Sundays I am pushing the prowler or pulling sled. This week was sled for 45mins. Main goal now is to get some muscle back that I lost during the radiation and chemo. So […]
Sunday Training: Deadlift
I got in a bodyweight circuit on Friday; Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS: 5x5 Farmer's Walk: 10 trips 21 minutes Sunday Lift Deadlift: 225x5/265x5/3x5@295 FBB Press FSL: 5x8@95 T-Bar Row: 5x10 We're in the heat of football camp, so my time is limited and my sleep schedule is non-existent. I felt like training, but not […]
Very often I get fleeting thoughts that I think would make a great read. Two issues with that: 1. I write for a selected few, and they think I'm psychotic regardless 2. I usually forget what it was that I thought would be worth writing about. Here I am with no workout […]
You have heard the saying, old soldiers never die, they just fade away? Well, old powerlifters never die either, they just get a new hip and keep on lifting.