Beginning Strongman-What do I do? Part 1
Don’t think about practicing – Practice!
Don’t buy more stuff to practice – Practice the things you have!
Don’t buy more equipment – Practice on the equipment you have!
Don’t put it off – Practice now!
7/25- Raw Deadlifts and another unique exercise on the Home GHR w/videos
This is another unique exercise option that can be performed on the Home GHR that I’ve seen numerous OBB members perform so I thought I’d give them a try.
Wednesday Training: Bench
FBB Bench: 205x5/230x5/260x10 FBB PR! Ab Rollouts: 3x10 Pull-aparts: 100 SSB Box Squat: 5x5@245 Hammer Row: 5x10 Dips: 5x10 Another good workout. I did the circuit in under 17 minutes. Gotta put the clock on myself. It keeps me on a good pace.
Monday Training: Deadlift
Deadlift: 245x5/280x5/315x5 HLR: 3x10 Pull-aparts: 50 FBB Press FSL: 5x8@105 DB Row: 5x10 Farmer's Walk: 5 trips of 50 yards Good lift. The day before I did: Bike: 10 minutes Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 Ab Wheel: 5x10 Bike: 10 minutes I had no desire to do RFESS for a 3rd workout in a row so […]
Short And To The Point (Again)
Three types of people in the world: 1. Those that make things happen 2. Those that watch things happen 3. Those that wonder, WHAT happened? Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2x55% Dynamic Effort Sumo Dead Lift: 10x1x Same weight Reverse Hyper: 4x12x180
Training Updated
Great workout, video description of one of my favorite chest exercises and awesome side delt finisher
TODAY our lifters hit a lot of volume upper body based. We doubled up every movement from BB to DB and hit is hard with reps around 10-15. Everyone is sore as hell and but hung which means we are building some muscle. I hit some biceps, abs, rice diggs, and neck. Basic stuff nothing […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad starts their off season programming. This is nothing more than a fancy way of saying high reps till you die. They hit front squats, rack pulls, lunges, and a few other movements for high reps and short rest. Everyone hates life as of now. Kyle hit heavy triples on squats as […]
You've Been "Fogel-led"
Friendships have been found and maintained for many in my program. I've spoken about them in the past. But today a NEW element was introduced. The "Smack Talk While Not There" element. This actually turns out to be a good thing. While many people return from colleges to get stronger in my program during the […]
Stop now, cancer time!
Well, those that still follow my log have probablly been wondering what the hell happened. I haven't said it out loud yet or announced it yet as I felt like it was a job to get done that was a process. Here it is: In April 2016, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma related […]
Saturday Training: Press
Saturday FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/3x5@145 Hanging Leg Raises: 4x8 Pull-aparts: 2x25 Deadlift FSL: 5x5@245 DB Rows/Hammer Rows: 3x10/2x20 Dips: 5x10 Saturday was another solid workout. Sunday I went to the Rec Center and did a bodyweight circuit. Bike: 10 minutes Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups (various grips): 5x5 RFESS: 5x5 Ab Rollouts: 5x10 Bike: 5 minutes
Thursday Training: Squat
SSB Box Squat;245x5/280x5/315x5 AB Rollouts: 3x10 Pull-aparts: 4x25 FBB Press FSL: 5x8@105 DB Rows/Hammer Rows: 3x10/2x20 RFESS: 5x5 Solid lift.
It was supposed to be the start of my second strength mesocycle. It was not to be.
Reverse bands, lighten method, anti-gravity lifts, call it by whatever name you want. Regardless of the name you like, consider implementing this method into your squat and deadlift training.
Today I had a group 9-10am of 14 clients. We hit all running, cardio, agilities, etc and mid-section work . Was a great group. After that I had a 1-1 with a female soccer athlete from ladue. Her mom joined us as well. Was a great few hours at the gym despite the lack of […]