Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Today the majority of our Powerlifting squad was still taking off to rest from the meet.  I took off last couple days as well from training as I have been swamped at work.  Seems weak i know.  It takes me about an added on 30-45 min to lift just to rest between sets and to […]
Today was a good day at the facility.  Signed up the Triad Hockey Organization and start training them in a few weeks.  This was something I have been interested in for awhile.   Also have some interest in training a local Juco soccer women's team.  Am supposed to contact the coach next week.  Stuff is […]
This week was off for all lifters who competed in Nashville.  I am a huge believer in taking a week off after a meet.  Here is why.  You have trained at high percentages for weeks if not months leading up to the meet.  At the meet you are attempting that gray area of percentages you […]
7/21- Raw Squats w/video
7/21- Raw Squats w/video
I haven’t squatted heavy raw, especially without a box, in a long time.
Or at least take the time to learn HOW since you forgot
7/19- Raw and Catapulted Benching w/video
7/19- Raw and Catapulted Benching w/video
I was happy with this since for some reason I struggled with 365 for a single off of the 2 board last week.
The Jr. High Hello
The Jr. High Hello
Just an observation
Purple & Red Faces
Purple & Red Faces
OK, here's the deal. We have two Powerlifters working to break All-Time World Records. For the sake of this post, let's say one has a Purple Face, and the Other has a Red Face.
Ain't no lie, bye, bye, bye...
Deload week (7/11-7/17) From Strength Mesocycle 1
Training and #oldmanstrength
I Ran Out of Words
I Ran Out of Words
and that's all I have to say about that...
Dodgeball Training: Keep the Body Guessing or Drink Your Own Urine + Training Template FREE
Dodgeball Training: Keep the Body Guessing or Drink Your Own Urine + Tra...
Since TPS is a lot like Average Joe’s Gym I decided to take some wisdom from the movie, and Rhodes repeating the quotes: Gordon: Hey, Peter. Peter: Hey, Gordon. I'm wailing on my glutes. Gordon: Sounds great. Peter: I'm gonna shock the biceps later, then some cardio. Keep the body guessing.
Messing With the UPS Driver - and your mark on the world
Messing With the UPS Driver - and your mark on the world
The biggest mark you will make on this world isn't how much you lifted, how much money you made, or how many toys you accumulated. How you will be remembered, the legacy you will leave, is written every day with the impact you have on this around you.
How to prevent bombing out
How to prevent bombing out
John Greaves tells his story of why he bombed out in the bench press.
I Am NOT Dead!
I Am NOT Dead!
Wednesday Training: Bodyweight Circuit
Wednesday Training: Bodyweight Circuit
The Deadlift incident this morning altered my plan.  I was not going to put a bar on my back and squat today. 1/2 mile walk on track Push-ups: 5x10 Inverted Rows: 5x10 RFESS: 5x5
Back In The Saddle
Back In The Saddle
Do you to realize you have never seen your face in person, just reflections and pictures? Have you ever heard your voice on a recording?  Mine sounds different than the way it sounds in my head. I wonder if I LOOK like my photos and reflection, or if I might be better looking than my perception […]
7/18- Deadlifts off 2” Blocks and Raw Speed Squats w/video
7/18- Deadlifts off 2” Blocks and Raw Speed Squats w/video
I haven’t done speed squats in a long time, and haven’t done them raw in even longer. Although it wasn’t much weight I was happy with my speed.

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