Training Catch-up
I've been busy and haven't posted in a while. I'll try to catch up with what I've been doing. I'm still tweaking my new template, but I'm really enjoying training again. Weird how you go through phases of interest. I'm pretty settled on this: Squat/Deadlift: 5's Pro (heavy work) Press/Bench: FSL (lighter volume work) Rows […]
Client spotlight: 12 week program winner
Client spotlight: 12 week program winner Bev makes huge physique gains in off season
7/14- Buffalo Bar Squats w/video
That was good enough for today. I’m happy to be working back up to some decent training weights.
960x2 and 935x3 Deadlift!
Big pulls this week for my final heavy week before deadlifting. I marked my 6th 900+ deadlift session this month with 935x3 followed by 960x2 off the floor, with one more block pull session left before I deadlift.
Today most of our Powerlifitng squad competed at the IPA Battle of the Beast Powerlifting meet in Nashville Tenn. We had 8 lifters getting after it. Let me first say in the last year or so we have shifted the attitude on our team and got rid of a few distractions. Watching the team get […]
Monday's Are The Best
I'm sure some will remember the Etch A Sketch doodling toy. It had a screen with some magic sand inside, and two knobs at the bottom that would move the arm inside vertically and horizontally by twisting them. When you were done with one spider web drawing, all you had to do was turn it […]
This is an example of what I eat on a training day following an IIFYM nutritional approach
The Four Essential Steps Your Athletes Need to Take
Not having these four components in the development process is problematic. Not initiating them in the proper sequences could be even worse
Summer Football Program Notes
As we near the end of our summer workouts I'm looking back at the success and failures of my program. Not just the sets and reps, but the mental side, as well. Anyone that knows anything about training knows that the program really doesn't matter. What matters is if the kids buy in to what […]
Sometimes powerlifting training is about running full blast and smashing through the door to get inside….sometimes powerlifting training it is about slowly walking up to the door and merely turning the knob to get inside. Knowing when is the right time for each approach is a key component to your success, growth and improvement in this sport.
Saturday: Deadlift
Deadlift: 255x5/295x5/335x5 Ab Rollouts: 3x10 Pull-aparts: 100 FBB Press: 5x8@105 BB Rows: 3x20 BB Shrugs: 2x20 RFESS: 5x5 DB Curls: 50 Side Raises: 50 Pretty solid day. I didn't hurry through this. Did a set, listened to some music and repeated.
Thursday: Press
FBB Press: 115x5/135x5/155x5/135x5/115x10 Pull-aparts: 50 Ab Rollouts: 3x10 Deadlift: 5x5@275 Pull-ups: 5x5 Dips: 5x10 Another day in the books.
7/12- Raw Bench
This was the first time I’ve benched 275 off of my chest without using the foam/manpon in a while so here’s to small victories.
Game Time...Squat "Knockout"
Who doesn't like making things fun by keeping score? We are ALL competitive with each other as well as ourselves. I have the most excellent group of people that train with me. They're usually UP for almost anything. Today we took that competitiveness and turned it into a "Do or Die", an exercise in bifurcation. […]
Max Effort Wrist Wrap Tip
This one is great because I blew my eyes out, was cramping and basically a mess.
5th 900plus deadlift workout this month - You can't have everything
I discuss where I'm at in my training cycle and the future plans for how this cycle fits into the greater scheme of the #grandgoals plan.