Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

7/11- Raw Deadlifts, Raw Squats and April Harper squatting with the OBB Power Handles w/videos
7/11- Raw Deadlifts, Raw Squats and April Harper squatting with the OBB ...
These handles are very versatile, but work especially well for squatting without shoulder pain which is what I primarily designed them for.
Most of our Powerlifitng squad left today for th Battle of the Beasts in Nashville Tenn.  We have 8 lifters competing and about 10 coming to coach/support.  Am looking forward to seei teammate Joey Smith and any others teammates that will be there. I hit on wed some incline bench press then some DB […]
Our lifters were off today but some came in to do light cardio to lose some pounds before sat.  Most are at weight or under so all should be good. My tuesday class schedule is busy.  I have my first class at 6am then my last one at 515pm.  I do have some downtime though. […]
Today our Powerlifitng Squad came through in their groups and did a fluff and puff workout.  Most are close to weight so just hit some light movements and stretched.  Am getting pumped and pissed at the same time for this meet.  Pumped I get to see the crew go and have some fun and show […]
Deep Thoughts Shared With My Friend Benny
Deep Thoughts Shared With My Friend Benny
Benny and I were volleying ideas back and forth last night about knowing the ups and downs of what we call...OUR Exsistence. I went into detail about having to know "struggle" in order to understand "victory". Benny came back with telling me that there are some that don't know the struggle.  ALL they know is […]
Manual Labor Blows
Manual Labor Blows
But in just over a week I will be riding so everything is good.
Dynamic Bench Press Wrist Wrap Tip
Dynamic Bench Press Wrist Wrap Tip
Quick tip (one minute video) of how to get better use out of your wrist wraps for low rest period training sets.
Creating a Monster: Prep Week 3
Creating a Monster: Prep Week 3
Week 3. Which means about 11 to go.
Creating a Monster: Phase 2 week 2
Creating a Monster: Phase 2 week 2
Week 2 into show prep and moving along
Acquisition vs. Demonstration
Acquisition vs. Demonstration
Over and over, I keep thinking about what Vincent Dizenzo said weeks ago..."I am now acquiring strength rather than just demonstrating it". From my programming of my own workouts to those of the people that I train, "I am now acquiring strength and conditioning rather than demonstrating it" I am lucky to be able to […]
Interview With Coach
Interview With Coach
We posted these as two separate articles but I wanted to post them together in my Blog as I feel the take away message with these is important.
Training Updated and the Killer Instinct!
Training Updated and the Killer Instinct!
Great training and a video I made on mindset!
Build Strength, Display Strength or Not: It’s Up to You
Build Strength, Display Strength or Not: It’s Up to You
I tossed a Wendler quote in last time, so here is another one: On Max Effort work, you display strength. On Accessory work, you build strength. OK, that may not be an actual quote, but it’s pretty close. Jim said that years ago at a Force Production seminar at TPS and it still rings true.
7/7- Cambered Bar Squats w/video
7/7- Cambered Bar Squats w/video
I went significantly heavier than I did the last time off of this box height, so things are moving in the right direction.
I Just Saw A Group of Kids Trying To Put Another Kid Into A Dumpster
I Just Saw A Group of Kids Trying To Put Another Kid Into A Dumpster
and this was on my bike ride home from the gym
Benchin, squattin, conditioning, and recovery work. What else would you expect?
Bench / Accessory/ and some Be Activated stuff
Bench / Accessory/ and some Be Activated stuff
With in the first two DVD's I received from Douglas Heel's "Be Activated" program, I became reminded of many things I've already learned, already have questioned and stuff I already needed a reminding of how good it is. Unfortunately, for me, the THIRD DVD which is the practical part and how to string together the […]
Dear JL, The Reverse Band Press & No Back Bruising
Dear JL, The Reverse Band Press & No Back Bruising
I keep sending you these messages online and you now know me more digitally than in person so I have been scanning the internet, books, magazines, and TV to find the perfect way to tell you how I feel the next time we meet.
Monday Training: Squat
Monday Training: Squat
I've been very busy with the return of the volleyball, women's basketball, freshmen football, football and basketball.  Training has been sporadic, as of late.  I think this week will allow me to get back on track.  Good start so far. SSB Box Squat: 245x5/290x5/3x5@315 Ab Rollouts: 4x10 Pull-aparts: 2x25 FBB Bench FSL: 5x5@225 Pull-ups: 5x5 […]
The NFL Strength Coach Interviews
The NFL Strength Coach Interviews
Interviews with of the top strength coaches in professional football including Joe Kenn, Buddy Morris, Mark Uyeyama, and Evan Marcus

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