Getting outside of your comfort zone, and literally getting uncomfortable can be a key to get you past plateaus and sticking points.
Hunting Rats, Squatting Sushi, Dead Lifting done Raw 2
and the application of Douglas Heel's "Be-Activated" program as a warm up from what I learned in the first TWO discs. I need disc 3! Dang it, this one was blank.
7/6- Accessory work and video of my amazing Dragon Flags
Maybe they’re not that amazing, but I was happy I could still do them. They’re pretty difficult.
Back Accessory and Biceps and a Nine Year Old's Dilemma.
(my son's friend...Not the H. He knows the way things will end)
Dear JL, Behind The Green Door - The Inside Story
The inside story about what's really going on with Dave Tate and JL Holdsworth.
Dear JL, I almost needed some space.
By now you must be wondering how strange it is to keep getting these letters from me since I’m not one to write anything more than a quick thank you card. You flew back into my life like an angle at a time I wasn’t expecting one so I am compelled to do so.
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit their openers or last warm up on squats. Everyone looked fresh and crisp. They hit some accessory work after depending on what each athlete needed. Tomorrow they hit their last warm up or opener for the bench press. Everyone is on track to do well in Nashville. As far as […]
Dynamic Bench and Benny
Years ago, I became friends with the enigma and personality of THE Benny Podda. Benny and I got to be such good friends we actually parleyed it into a "Dog and Pony" show that the great Jim Wendler found amusing for the LONGEST time. Well slap my ass and call me Sally...I get home to […]
7/5- Heavy Raw and Catapulted Bench w/video
405 is the most I’ve done off of the boards in the Catapult in a while. It felt relatively easy but I got over zealous with 425.
Rolling into the 1's week with my 5/3/1 programming. The more I do, the better I feel
7/4- 4th of July Deadlifts w/video
I was finally able to get some deadlifting in after partially tearing my hamstring while taking prednisone and training for the APF Nationals. I still kept it relatively light to play it safe.
Today was a light fluff and puff upper body workout. Basically just getting some blood flow and the soreness out from the last few training session. Really am considering refunding one of our lifters from a year or so ago. Really get annoyed when I see this person as it correlates a certain group that […]
Today I had a group of 19 in my class 9-10am. They hit a great lower body day session. Our powerlifting squad hit their heaviest deadlift of the training cycle. We had most again do the best they have done in training. A, looking forward to everyone's meet. I hit some safety bar box squats, […]
Today we had our lifters hit their heaviest bench of the training cycle. Most did well and hit PR's I'm trying to emphasize that failing on reps week after week is senseless. I as their coach need to be more stern and have some of them go a little lighter and get the assigned reps. […]