The Glute Ham Raise-Is it the Single Best Hamstring Exercise?
The GHR is the only exercise the provides, in the words of Fred Hatfield, “a unilateral co-contraction of the hamstrings at the origin and the insertion”.
"Everything In The Head Is In The Body, Everything In The Body Is I...
A cool quote from Douglas Heel Squat/DL
Accessory Day=Mess With The Head Day
I've been digging the limited sets and using a rep range to determine weight choice on Accessory Day. If I can't perform EIGHT quality reps on a set without maintaining form then the weight is too heavy. If I can do 15 or more reps with great technique, then the weight was too light and […]
Something to think about...
You ever notice when you have a "break through" or a "ah ha" moment it's almost always something you've been told several times by many different people throughout different stages of your life?
Monday Training: Deadlift/Bench
Sorry I haven't posted lately. I had to completely reboot (I think that's the right term) my computer. I lost everything I had except the important files that I saved on a zip drive. I played around the last week trying to find my new plan of attack. I think I'm on to it. Deadlift: […]
This is a great auto-regulation (fancy term for listening to your body) technique
7/1- High Rep Upper Accessory
Trinity and I trained together today since none of our regular training partners were able to make it in. It’s nice that after all these years we can still train together without arguing haha. I know that training together doesn’t usually go well for a lot of couples.
It doesn’t matter what gym you are from, or if you are RAW, single-ply or multi-ply…if the respect is there and the work ethic is there, the brotherhood of powerlifters will unite around you.
6/30- Cambered Bar Low Box Squats w/video
Everything felt good today with no hamstring discomfort at all. Things seem to be getting back on track.
Why Powerlifters Should Not Train Alone
While some lifters do great training alone the MAJORITY of lifters will not reach their best training that way. Here is why...
Gym Teacher/Exterminator/Mop Operator
If you follow the chronology of my training, you know that I have a beauty of a Black Widow Spider that dwells in my gym space. Everything was going along quite nicely, until I noticed TWO significant issues that needed my attention. 1. The Black Widow had laid plenty of Black Widow eggs through out […]
6/28- Raw and Catapulted Heavy Bench w/video
I really like using the Catapult as an alternative to shirted benching to protect my shoulders and handle more weight.
Things I Learned at the STL in STL
Some valuable take-aways from Vern Gambetta, Jim Radcliffe, and Clay Erro
6/27- An unsuccessful first attempt at deadlifting since the meet, but n...
This is the first time I've used the OBB Power Handles with the Buffalo Bar and they worked great.
Today our powerlifitng squad hit their heaviest squat of the training cycle. I had class 6-645am then spotted and handled 4 of our lifters. Kristin/kody/Dan all had great PR's meet or gym. I came back for another group after 815-915am then had another crew in 11-1230pm. Allison hit a PR, Hunter had an off day […]