Today our powerlifters hit some reps on upper body. We took it lighter than normal as Thursday/Friday/Monday are all heavy training sessions. We had a great showing yesterday as well as a good showing today. You can tell everyone is getting fired up for the meet. I had class early then headed up to U […]
Don't Be Lazy
Too easy to let others do. Too easy to sidestep responsibility. Too easy to wish for, hope for, pray for...yet to not do. Couple things come to mind right now. I was sitting around the campfire talking to my bud, Plato. I told him...To know and not to do, is simply NOT to know. […]
Deat JL, I Broke Myself.
I thought it would be cool to break your work and now I know what happens when someone's does that. Next time I think I'll just select being punched in the face.
These 3 exercises are bullshit.
There are literally thousands of great exercises you should do, as a Powerlifter we often get pigeonholed into certain ones or certain types.
You know, we usually do the standard Squat, Bench and Deadlift plus a few variations and generally barbell or dumbbell based assistance work.
Are you doing to much Mobility or Other Prep work prior to training? #SMEP
As the founder of a popular movement website called www.Kabuki.MS I feel it’s my duty to tell you that I want you to limit the amount of exercise prep that you perform. Yes, I said limit your exercise prep, not do more. In recent years I’ve seen a trend for mobility, movement priming, and other means of exercise preparation. While
Squat and Black Widows
Many know that I share my Gym space with Jesse Burdick. Over the years we have pretty much stayed out of each others way. He has his program, and I have mine. Somehow...it WORKS! Although we have the same end game, and product...we differ in our implementation. I respect him, and he respects me. Yea, […]
6/24- Raw Rep Bench and more variety with the OBB Power Handles w/video
Although I designed the The OBB Power Handles primarily for lifters who had difficult getting their arms behind the bar to squat there really are endless exercises that can be performed with them.
6/23- My first real squat training day since APF Nationals w/video
My hamstring held up fine so things are improving.
885 x 4 Deadlift - And a Strap Review
I hit some heavy pulls with 15 reps over 845lbs total over 5 sets finishing at 885x4. Also did a review on straps and how the several different ones I used felt.
The Mind Plays it's Games
The new set/rep scheme is working. It EF's with people's heads but it is working. Instead of Rx'ing the sets x reps x weight for many of the accessory exercises, I now give people some choices. They must accomplish TWO sets with a minimum number of 8 reps, else they need to go down in […]
Today our lifters that are doing the meet July 16th hit speed deads with 70% on the bar. After that some rev-hypers and other lower body movements were performed. The other group whose meet is August or later hit cambered bar good mornings, light squats, and some other lower body movements. It was great to […]
Got to U of Illinois last night and spent a lot of time catching up with Joey and his family. We woke up Friday at 430am and got ready to get to the facility. He had groups broke into (2) defense 6-815am and offense 815-1030am. Was awesome getting back in the atmosphere. I had a […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit deadlifts off a 2' mat. This was the main focus of our lower body based workout. After this they followed up with a lot of FUN lower body based movements. Everyone did well from what I saw. Next thurs we have the heaviest squat of this cycle leading up to […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit some upper body rep work. They hit our warm up/mobility work then went to DB bench press for reps, rolling triceps, single arm rows, chest supported shrugs, and a hell of lot leg raises. Everyone said they were pumped up to the brim. As for myself I hit some rice […]
815x9 Deadlift.... yes you read that right
Big pulls while traveling and still leaving some work in reserve for the future.
6/22- Raw and Catapulted Benching w/video
I plan to stick with benching in the Catapult, in place of the shirt, for a while.
June 24, 25
Cardio 10 mins friday and saturday June 24 Standing abs 6x6 Pulldowns 6x8 Hammer rows 6x8 Incline press 8x8 Tricep pushdowns 8x8 June 25 Standing abs 5x8 Leg press 8x10 Belt squat 5x6 Reverse hypers 4x12 Sissy squats 4x8