Today our powerlifting squad hit heavy squats for triples. Thus was full meet set up, knee wraps, commands etc. Kritisn hit 405x3 with no wraps as she couldn't wrap herself. Everyone else had good days. Some hit 2reps instead of the prescribed triples. Had to talk to some of them to stay with the rep […]
Today our lifters hit heavy bench using the football bar for 4 reps. We followed up with a lot of upper back movements and some heavy presses. We are moving in he right direction. Had to talk with one of the lifters today as they weren't sure if they are ready for the meet. You […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit our mobility movements then the main lift was deficit deads X 4. Was good to watch some of the lifters this morn. I normally don't get to watch the early group as I'm rushed to get kiddos off the the sitter. Kody hit a crapload as did Kristin. Aaron is […]
Today our squad hit some speed bench against bands for 8x3. After that we did a bunch or reps upper body based to get some blood flow. We are going fairly heavy fri upper body. Most are sore as hell from yesterday's lift. I hit some light rice digs, curls and abs. All is going […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit our normal warm up then front squats 5x4 was our main lift. We followed them up with some straight weight deads at %75 for a bunch of singles. Everyone is doing well. Next week we start our three week wave prepping us for the meet July 16th. We have 9 […]
1000lb assisted deadlifts and More crazy Lifts - 2014wk24
Returning from travels and a challenging week I somehow crushed some incredibly heavy weights all week long with two heavy deadlift sessions and two heavy squat sessions.
The Dad's Guide to Daughters
Let's just say my desire to be a cohesive unit sometimes falls short. Here is some well-meaning advice for dads on Father's Day.
The Fastest & Easiest Way To Build A Home Gym
When setting up a home gym look for what best fits YOUR current needs. Not what you want to have, wish to have or would have liked to have ten years ago. Get what you need today so you can become better tomorrow
This coaching log takes you through some of the history of the bench shirt as well as a holistic look at this piece of equipment. A MUST SEE COACHING LOG.
6/17- Upper Body Circuit
Along with running the gym and training the most clients I've had in a while I've also been working on another non-training related ebook as well as another product that will be great for both home and commercial gym powerlifters for many purposes. I'll keep you updated.
I Don't Let My Vocation Dictate My Job
Considering we beat the crap out of the legs yesterday doing conditioning, today's activity didn't seem to suffer at ALL. I can't say enough about the Saturday Morning Squat/Dead Lift Crew. From neophyte to folks that have been with me since the dawn of time, everyone seems to mesh like a well oiled machine. Even […]
Conditioning and Combat Chasis
WHAT a glorious morning!!! I left my house at Zero-Dark-Dark and took the long way to the gym on my bicycle. The air was cool, yet comfortable and I DRESSED perfectly for it. As I hit the "Iron Horse Trail" I also hit that perfect place to be in. Athletes call it the ZONE, Some […]
6/14- Raw Catapulted Benching, a short vaca, and training plans
I have been competitively powerlifting for over 20 years. Within that time I have competed raw, single ply and multi ply. I hold the highest all time total of 1930 at 148, the third highest total of 2045 at 165 and have broken over 35 world records, over 25 of which I still hold. Through […]
Don’t Major in the Minors
I see and hear so much owning a gym for as long as I have and a lot of the times I hear people asking questions/doing things that will have little bearing on their success.