JL Holdsworth is fixing my Squat. 90 pound PR after first session.
JL Holdsworth sent me a text the other day and said he just learned some new shit and what me to stop out... He thought it could help me. Several hours later I hit a 90 pound PR.
Thursday Training: Bench
This morning was filled with guilt-ridden thoughts and self-deprecation. I had absolutely no desire to train. Furthermore, I was almost at the point where I had justified not doing it. Somewhere, deep down in the recesses of my lifeless soul there was a shimmer and I trained. FBB Bench Warm-ups: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 2x25 FBB Bench: […]
Wednesday Training: Deadlift
On Monday I ended up helping the basketball team in individuals so I got in 30 minutes of playing defense. That's enough conditioning for the week. Tuesday I went to the rec center and got on some new, fancy kind of elliptical. It really sucked. It was actually very tough and I got a great […]
You Can Do This Workout In The Amount of Time It Takes To Read It.
Hell, that title read took longer.
June 8 to 13
cardio stuff 20 mins fri, sat and sun and monday 6/8 Leg press 10x10 Reverse hyper 3x12 swings 4x8 Ab standing pulldowns 6x8 June 11 Leg press 3x10x 2 feet positions for 3 rounds Back raise 4x8 swings 4x8 reverse hypers 3x12 Dumbell dead 154lb 5x3 Abs 5x8 june 12 abs standing 8x8 pulldowns […]
Keep Your Shit Off My Grass
The fact of the matter is, if you have a lot more haters than everybody else, there might be a reason for it. You might be a dickhead. You ever think of that?
4 Hockey Strength Coach Interviews in Honor of 4 Stanley Cups
Podcast interviews with Cal Dietz, Mike Boyle, Anthony Donskov, and Scott Umberger
Marketing Tip For Online Trainers Looking For Clients
We all see you, we see your posts, we see your meme's, we see your fliers and we're reading your ad copy (that's what they call the stuff you are writing to try to get new clients, in case you didn't know).
Sunday Training: Press
Sunday was originally scheduled to be a conditioning session, but I was feeling a lift. The hip was a little tender, but nothing bad at all so I got warmed up. FBB Press Warm-up: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 2x25 FBB Press: 100x5/120x5/140x5 Face Pulls: 2x25 RFESS: 3x3 each FBB Press FSL: 5x8@100 Pull-ups: 5x5 DB Swings: 5x20 […]