Saturday Training: Squat
Thursday and Friday I opted to ride the bike. Which, by the way, seems to bother my hip/groin. On Saturday I had some issues with it that had me panicked. I pulled it together and realized it was a muscle strain not a joint issue. SSB Box Squat Warm-up: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 2x25 Side Raises: 2x20 […]
Just got the news Andrew did great at his meet. Would of liked to have gone but after missing my wife and I 1yr anniversary last year (in hospital) didn't think she would be cool with going to a powerlifitng meet. Andrew went 8/9 and totaled 1506lbs. This was a 106lb improvement from last meet. […]
Today our Powerlifting squad finished the week up with heavy bench press using the football bar. After that they hit pull-ups, DB decline, ab roller (for crazy reps), then some biceps on their own. Andrew is set for the weekend meet. His total should be good as he follows the plan and listens (coach able). […]
Today our lifter hit some deficit deadlifts for reps. After that they did some movements to compliment the lower body based training session. If anyone in the STL area is wanting to lift with a great group of powerlifters look us up. I did some belt squats today. The weight went up some from last […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit speed bench against bands 10x3. After that thy hit rolling triceps, single arm row, chest supported rows, and leg raises. We are hitting this week again next week with diff reps/sets. Andrew is off this week and/or light as his meet is this weekend. As far as for myself I […]
This coaching log takes you through the last 5 presses in the progression of training lifts leading up to the final set with 865LBS. A MUST SEE COACHING LOG!!!!
Dead Lift, Squats and All Night Coughing Spasms
Hmmm, since Christmas,I've been in a constant battle with a cough that originates in the upper chest and throat area. Kind of a come and go thing, but GEESH...since Christmas? Well, I'm convinced that I need to go see someone TODAY! It's kept me awake for the last three nights in coughing spasms. I've tried […]
Hula B@@BS
Our weight room has a language all of it's own. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't say something that I need to write down so as not to forget. Today as we discussed how a skinny person couldn't HELP to show abdominals, a FAT person can't help to have "boobs". A description came up […]
Be a Leader, Not a Boss
I have abandoned my planned topic this week and will be writing in a state of great grief.
Today I am going to tell you about how you can learn from someone who taught me a lot. He was a great leader and these lessons will help you to be a better leader, coach, team member and person.
I learned last night
No Need to Elaborate
I have been accused of being blatantly honest as well as direct, more than once. I figure, "why beat around the bush?" Example, there are a ton of Graduation Parties coming up in the next few weeks, along with the normal summer social calendar, mixed with my work calendar and sport camps. There isn't a […]
Good Mornings: Breaking The Chain!
A list of things I'll do to you if you don't perform these correctly!
There Is Something About Squats
When asked in the past..."what do you do for your arms?" or "what does your program look like for shoulders and back?" I have always answered ...SQUAT. Then I thump my chest with two fists and add...MILK TOO! Out of all the different training sessions we do, Dynamic Squat just might be my favorite. They […]
Wednesday Training: Bench
I skipped conditioning yesterday. Being at basketball practice and running a football group does not constitute exercise. MB Throws: x6 Pull-aparts: x50 FBB Bench Warm-up: 2x5 FBB Bench: 195x5/225x5/255x5 DB Rows: 70x10/110x20 FBB Bench FSL: 5x5@195 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS: 5x5 Shoulder Death: x100 I've found a plan for during football season. Having gone back to […]
Maybe it was a sign, maybe the world wants me to join a commercial gym, maybe I should just give up cardio.
Football Summer Training
I thought I would post a snapshot of what we're doing this summer. Nothing special or groundbreaking. It's really not the program. It's how I approach each day. If I'm excited about it, they will be. If I hold them to a standard they'll reach it. Monday: Agility and Lift BB Warm-up (Front Squat/RDL/RDL Jump […]