2/10/2023 The Next Step is Your Most Important Step
Every day you get 24 hours. That's IT! What you do in the next evolution will determine which direction you take in your life. You have three choices: You can do nothing at all You can do the exact same thing you always do OR you can take steps in the direction you want to […]
2/9/2023 Do Something That Sucks Everyday...
This counts! This workout SUCKS!!! You have to find a very dark place inside of yourself to complete this one. The objective is to keep moving and FINISH it. It can be done, but you have to reach way down inside and you might have to kick Satan right in the balls to accomplish it. […]
2/8/2023 Do Something That Sucks Everyday
Yesterday I was having a conversation with one of my long-time athletes. This guy has been with me since his days of high school lacrosse and now is on top of the business world. He was the one that came in with a shitty attitude that I'd NEVER seen before. So he was the recipient […]
2/7/2023 On Good Days...
If you're having a good day, TRAIN! If you're having a bad day, TRAIN HARDER!!! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles Cycle: Commute Graded Treadmill Walk: 3.3 mph; increasing the grade by 1% every minute for 15 minutes. Then maintain the pace and grade at 15% for 5 mins. Reverse Hyper: 3x10 Bench: Work up […]
2/6/2023 Dumb...
The dumber you are the smarter you think you are... Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 Cycle: Commute Reverse Hyper: 3x10 GHR: 4x10 Deadlift: Work the weight up to a PRE of "7" doing 6 reps at each weight increment. Once you have found your 7, do THREE additional sets at that weight. Fwd Stepping Lunge: 100 […]
The Importance Of Agility
The older I get the more important the things I took for granted are. When you're in your 20s and 30s, you're most likely nothing about your 40s, 50s, and beyond. Now in my 50s, I think about a lot more than just getting big and strong.
2/3/2023 Keep in Mind...
There are no secrets or magic tricks that replace the basics in training Comparing yourself to others doesn't do anyone any good. Your recovery is as important as your workout. Training means stress and restoration. Progress is greater than perfection. Focus on it! Training is a marathon, not a sprint! You can go hard or […]
2/2/2023 The Order is Important Today...
Today's workout was a "pre-exhausted" squat routine. It is important to follow it in the precise order listed. If you are new to this training the lunge can be broken into sets but the idea is to drive yourself through the pain threshold and just get it done! By the time you get to the […]
2/1/2023 "I'm Tired..."
I heard it today, The "I'm tired" excuse, and my response (to the amusement of quite a few) was "So...Do it tired." Discipline and training build confidence, and confidence is damn sexy! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins Legs only/ 10 mins Arms and Legs/ 10 mins Arms only Cycle: Commute Versi-Climber: 10x 50 Reverse Hyper: […]
Listen To Those Who Came Before You
In my experience, training is overcomplicated and nonsensical the large majority of the time. Everything you do in the gym should be logical and easily justified; there should be a reason for every movement, the sequence of the movements, where you schedule muscle groups in your training split, rep ranges, etc. This is, of course, […]
1/31/2023 168 hours in a week, YOU have time...
I've heard the "I don't have time" excuse for years. So I figured this out for one of my participants to see whether or not they really didn't have time. Here's what we found... 24 hours per day x 7 days= 168 hours per week Let's say you sleep 7 hours per night x 7 […]
1/30/2023 Be More...
"Be more motivated, be more than driven. Become literally OBSESSED to the point where people think you're fucking NUTS" ~ David Goggins I got up today NOT feeling it. I really wanted to return to bed and sleep for another hour. But then how could I roll into a day when I knew I had […]
The Secret To Stretching
The older I have gotten the more my body resents me. As a result, I have been on a pretty constant journey for the past three years to get my body feeling whole.
1/27/2023 The One Secret to Winning
I was talking about winning and losing today and determined that there is a secret that no one wants to talk about or explain when it comes to WINNING. So here it is, and as simple as I can make it, all you need to do is OUTWORK your opponent. That's IT! Outwork your opposition […]
1/26/2023 You know what rhymes with Thursday?
Squats and Throat Punches. "No sweat; no beauty No squats; no booty" ~ unknown so it's me! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only/ 10 mins arms and legs/ 10 mins arms only Cycle: Commute Anderson Squats: 4 RM; SSB Yoke Bar GHR: 5x10 Ab Wheel: 5x10 4 way neck: 1x20x3.0 Cycle: Commute
1/25/2023 No Excuse!
A one-hour workout is 4% of your day. NO excuse!!! Today's Training: Run: 3 miles (My glutes were on the verge of cramping?) Cycle: Commute Graded Walk: 3.3 mph increasing the grade 1%/min. up to 15% then back down the same way. C/S Row: 4x10 Mountain Dog Row: 4x8 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 BB Curl: 4x8 […]
1/24/2023 Thanks Tim Baker...
Your kind words aren't taken lightly. But as you can tell, I don't know how to even respond to your comment except by designing an entire "Coaching Log" to it. I think what might need to happen is we bypass the podcast and have a "Live Audience" where EVERYONE can participate. I mean to say, […]