This is a Game Changer-Mobility for Lifters
I am an early adopter when it comes to technology, but not fitness trends.
We see all kinds of stuff come up all the time from DVD’s and infomercials to products which are dubious at best.
Most of it is crap and some is gold.
I never rush to judgement and jump on the bandwagon. This is evident in my programming and choices
Wednesday Training: Squat
MB Throws: x6 Foam Rolling (Back/Hamstrings/ITB/Quads): x5 passes on each SSB Box Squat: 155x5/205x5/245x5/285x5/325x5 Ab Rollouts: 3x10 SB Crunches: 2x15 Rear Delts: 2x20 DB Shrugs: 2x20 DB Cleans: x20 SSB Box Squat FSL: 5x5@245 Push-ups/Dips: 5x10/5 Pull-ups: 5x5 Time for FSL work: 19 minutes I took my time with the main work. I think it […]
Testing new SSB after elbow surgery
To me helping the veterans is huge. If you buy one of these bars some of the money will go toward the wounded veterans program.
Today our lifters hit a lot of upper body for reps. Today was high reps and low weight due to most being sore from yesterday. Andrew has a meet coming up and wrapped his deadlifts up today for an easy 535lb pull. That was 15 more than his last meet. Looking for a […]
Today we had a great group of clients in for a Memorial Day training session 9-10am. After that our Powerlifting Squad came in and hit heavy box squat for doubles. Aaron hit 500+ and Kyle hit around the same. Kristin stole the show at around 400 X 2. Cody and Hunter also set some Pr's. […]
Back in The Saddle
Bat Wing wide pulldowns: 5x15x130 Medium Bat Wing Pull down: 5x12x130 Supinated Medium Bat Wing Pull down: 5x10x130 Dips:2x50 reps BB Reverse Curl:5x10 Dips: 2x50 reps BB Curl: 5x10 Dips: 2x50 DB Wall Curl: 5x10 Tricep Zig Zag bar Cable Push down: 5x12 4 way neck: 1x15x6.0 Pull up totals=3404 Push Up totals=4481 Dip Totals-5833 […]
650lb NO Hand Front Squats - 225x60 Reverse Grip bench - 875x4 pull of 3...
Solid week of training with some good PR's across the board even if some of what I'm doing is "odd lifts". In addition to the lifts in the title I also hit a 350x20 reverse grip bench after the 225 rep out. And I'm interested to know if anyone has front squated more without hands before.
Training May Wk 4
Day 1 Mowed Grass - 30minutes push mower, not self propelled...LOL Washed Car - 20min So Memorial Day Weekend I used more unconventional means of exercise. Spent time with my kids and family, what matters most!
Training May Week 3
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row - 3x10ea DB Bench - 5x10 Lunges - 5x5ea DB Row - 5x10ea Abs - 100reps Day 2 KB Squat - 4x8 Clean - 3x3, 3x2 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4x10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Training May Wk 2
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Training Week
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Impact A Hero - Special Edition Yoke Bar
For every limited edition SS Yoke Bar we sell, $100 will go to Impact A Hero, an organization committed to helping severely wounded heroes who have fought and sacrificed for our country.
With all stories, there is a back story.
With all stories there is a back story. This is the back story of preparation, performing and prevailing.
Monday Training: Deadlift/Bench
I had 11 football players that wanted to lift this morning, so we all came in and got a voluntary workout in. Deadlift warm-ups FBB Bench warm-ups Pull-aparts: 50 MB Throws: 400 yards of various throws Deadlift (from floor): 225x5/275x5/325x5/3x5@225 FBB Bench: 205x5/235x5/265x5/3x5@205 Pull-ups: 6x5 DB Curls: 3x10 Side Raises: 3x10 BB Shrugs: 3x10 I […]
Saturday Training: Squat/Press
I was going to do this on Friday but lost all motivation so I got on the bike for 20 minutes. Saturday I was feeling great so I was looking forward to getting into the weight room. SSB Box Squat warm-ups: 3x5 FBB Press warm-ups: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 50 Med Ball Throws: 10 SSB Box Squat: […]