Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

MUA and clients success!
Our lifter were off today and def needed some rest we hammers them the last couple days a lot were complaint in soreness and being tired. After last week with testing most of my clients/teams/organizations we started this week off on main lifts reps of 8.  4's will follow next week then doubles the third […]
Squat and Swing
Squat and Swing
Sticking with trying to do the least in order to gain the most. DEEP Squat.  Wearing only a belt.  That was interesting.  You should have seen the look on all the people wondering why we trained NEKKID.  (KIDDING)   You guys know what I mean... Worked up 495 for 1.  (you know I don't count […]
5/12- Thankfully the last heavy squat day w/video, 2 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
5/12- Thankfully the last heavy squat day w/video, 2 Weeks out from the ...
We’re all feeling pretty beat up at this point and are ready to deload and take some time off.
Is An Image Worth More Than 1000 Words?
Is An Image Worth More Than 1000 Words?
To provide an example of how bad image copyright theft is - based on some of my previous posts. I just did an image search for one of our (elitefts) images and selected only some of the URL's (there were over 100 pages).
Training the back without the use of a good grip is hard.  A while ago, I did some damage to my forearm by curling a stupid amount of weight.  So much, that every time I flex my elbow, I irritate the snot out of it again. Consider what you do to train the back.  Aside […]
Today our powerlifitng squad hit some rep work upper body.  The sets reps were all around 12-20.  We have a lot of college athletes starting to come home for summer.  It is great to get these athletes back to push our local athletes/lifters/clients.  Everyone benefits from hard working athletes. I hit some rice digs, machine […]
Great day today!!! Got three groups now rolling back at it setting up for a meet soon.  We have a 6am, 1115am and a 6pm group rolling.  Today was week one.  We hammered the lower body with higher reps between 8-12.  Narrow stance squats was the main exercise with some tough secondary movements. I hit […]
Two and Out
Two and Out
I am not saying to keep doing what you don't like or hate to do. What I am saying is don't quit just because progress stops or you got injured. This post touches on some of the reasons why.
Monday Training: Squat/Press
Monday Training: Squat/Press
The new cycle has begun.  I'll be making some slight changes to the template, but following the integrity of the program.  And, Wendler gave it a "YES!" when I ran it by him.  I'm so smart. SSB Box Squat Warm-up: 3x5 Ab Rollouts: 3x10 SSB Box Squat: 235x5/275x5/315x5 SB Sit-ups: 3x15 SSB Squat FSL: 3x5@235 […]
The Max Bench Portion of Today's Training
The Max Bench Portion of Today's Training
came directly from the "Strength Sensei"
Log update with week 3 of training purgatory, my 5/3/Awesome rehab program and a visit from the Mayor
5/11- Accessory Work (back, bis, and grip), 2 weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
5/11- Accessory Work (back, bis, and grip), 2 weeks out from the APF Equ...
Due to my previous issues with swelling of my hands due to my autoimmune issue I had avoided doing direct bicep or grip work for a while. I was happy to see that my strength has been maintained.
5 Misconceptions Beginner Lifters Make
5 Misconceptions Beginner Lifters Make
There is no doubt there are more than five but these were the first ones that came to mind. Most get figured out pretty quick but if some were known beforehand maybe there would be a lower attrition rate because people would know what they are getting into.
They Can't all Be Great - 550 No Hands Front Squat - 335x20 Revers grip bench - 2016wk20
They Can't all Be Great - 550 No Hands Front Squat - 335x20 Revers ...
While it wasn't a stellar week I did some battling with myself and I believe I won. I completely walked away from one workout coming back to hit a PR session the next day when I finished it. In my training plan you can see how the core lifts are being managed via velocity measurements. These velocity
5/10 to 5/15
5/10 to 5/15
TUes to THur,Sat 30 mins stepmill, Sunday sled one hour 5/10 upper clean up Push ups off bar 10x10 Long strap pulldowns 6x8 tsunami bar 10x20 5/11 reverse hypers 3x12 box squat medium wide worked up to 375x3x5 close stance leg press 8x12 reverse hypers to finish 2x12 5/12 lower clean up Leg extension with […]
Major League Wisdom: 4 Interviews All Baseball Strength Coaches Must Hear
Major League Wisdom: 4 Interviews All Baseball Strength Coaches Must Hear
Interviews from four of the best coaches in our industry including Carlo Alvarez, Eric Cressey, Mike Boyle, and Bob Alejo.
The purpose of this Coaching Log is to help illuminate the fact that behind the titles, records, medals and spoils of a successful powerlifting team, exist the gardeners who work with the iron and sweat that is the rich dark soil of a gym’s garden. And being tended to in that garden are the seeds that will take root and
Open Saturday Squat/Dead Lift
Open Saturday Squat/Dead Lift
If you have been following and participating in doing my training log, you'll know that we have a TON of Prowler work completed at this point.  You'll also know that we have done a couple simple yet severe Squat/DL sessions. Looking at this band of marauders I determined that we needed a rest from Conditioning,..(TODAY). […]

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