Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Friday Training - Squat/Press
Friday Training - Squat/Press
I combined two workouts today, sort of.  We have our little weight lifting thing next Tuesday and I'm lacking motivation. SSB Box Squat: 3x5 Warm-ups Ab Rollouts: 3x10 SSB Box Squat: 235x5/295x5/335x5 FBB Press: 115x5/135x5/135x5 Pull-ups: 6x5 I screwed around for a little while and did some push-ups and GHR. Just not feeling the motivation.  Not […]
Amazing What a Few Carbs Can Do
Amazing What a Few Carbs Can Do
And other short stories.
For the parents out there: Doing a contest with a family
For the parents out there: Doing a contest with a family
Justin whines like a crybaby about how busy he is while getting ready for a show he decided to do out of his own free will
Not Pressing Dynamic Bench Press...
Not Pressing Dynamic Bench Press...
There's a new documentary out called "Screenager"  There is serious medical evidence as to why we need to keep our kids off the Electronic devices.  Seems that it is very addicting at a much higher level than previously thought.  The addiction is real, and we can see it in the lack of focus for these […]
Last two Days of Training
Last two Days of Training
Great workouts, world record benches--life is good!
You Can’t Serve Two Masters-Or Can You?
You Can’t Serve Two Masters-Or Can You?
Can you serve two masters? The Samurai say no. They say to focus on one thing and do it completely. I tend to agree with that. Let me explain. I see this and get asked about it all the time as a coach. There are quite a few things to compete in nowadays:
5/2- Deadlifts w/team video, 4 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
5/2- Deadlifts w/team video, 4 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
As planned I stuck with speed pulls and will until I don’t notice any discomfort in my hamstring. Jeff “Doc” Sevor is still doing well working with his wider stance and Neal came very close with a big PR attempt of 740.
After elbow surgery thoughts
After elbow surgery thoughts
My thoughts post opo of my elbow.
I'm staying the course on my modified plan.
Wednesday Training - Bench
Wednesday Training - Bench
Another day under my belt. GHR: 2x10 Split Squat: 2x10 Pull-aparts: 4x25 FBB Bench Warm-up 3x5 Neck Harness: 2x10 FBB Bench 205x5/235x5/265x5/5x10@185 Pull-ups 6x5 w/pause Hammer Row: 2x20 I was going to play around a bit, but about 25-30 athletes started showing up as I was finishing so I shut it down.  I had to […]
Speak Softly
Speak Softly
Don't just carry a big stick, wield it.
Today our lifters hit some speed deads against bands.  We used around 60% of our best deadlift.  After that followed revhypers, split lunges, and heavy abs.  The lunges are done in a suspended strap which makes it tough. For my self I hit some abs on the machine, curls, and rice digs. Nothing major.
Today our powerlifitng squad hit an upper body based session.  Pin presses (bar settled 1 inch or less off chest) 5x5.  After that they hit chest supported rows, BB standing press, swimmers row then band pressdowns.   We have lot of lifters doing well.  We will test everyone may 14th and set a scheudle of […]
Super Yoke: The Masters Athlete and The Training Max
Super Yoke: The Masters Athlete and The Training Max
How should YOU be basing your Strongman Training?
I had to do this, simply, just had to do it.
I had to do this, simply, just had to do it.
"I just keep pulling as heavy as I fucking can. Them mother fuckers straighten out then"
I Will Never Get Down To My Original Weight
I Will Never Get Down To My Original Weight
6 lbs 8 oz is just too unrealistic
Be your best self. Create your own experiences. Take chances.
4/29- Bench stability, accessory work and Oom Doe, 5 weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
4/29- Bench stability, accessory work and Oom Doe, 5 weeks out from the ...
On Thursday I tested and moved up another belt level for the second time in just 4 months. It feels good to have a sense of accomplishment in something other than just Powerlifting.
Monday Training - Deadlift
Monday Training - Deadlift
Can't wait for 5x10 to be over! Deadlift Warm-ups: 3x5 Ab Rollouts: 3x10 Deadlift 255x5/295x5/335x5/5x10@225 Pull-ups: 4x5 w/pause Push-ups: 4x10 w/pause Did some gun work with the football team.  The obsession with curls and football players is ridiculous.  The biceps is just a useless muscle.  If they actually spent time doing real movements for extra […]

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