4/22- Stability Bench and accessory work w/video, 6 weeks out from the A...
Today worked out well to get some good pressing in without causing any shoulder aggravation.
The purpose of this Coaching Log is to show you some RAW/RAW meet prep with Robert Bain (2016 RAW w/o wraps National Powerlifting Champion in the 242LB class) of the MONSTER GARAGE GYM as well as to share his training program and emphasize the factors that helped contribute to his success. Footage includes squat and deadlift training from his
I will be posting here for now as I have put me doing any competitions on hold till after the heart transplant. I coach a lot of athletes daily. I will try to include some non-powerlifitng groups as well. I operate and own a training facility outside of Saint Louis MO in a town called […]
4/21- PRP and speed pulls, 6 weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
If you ever end up with a soft tissue injury (especially a partial tear like I had) and have access to PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy then I strongly recommend you incorporate it.
4/19- Single ply Bench, 6 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
My shoulders are continuing to hold up so it’s a step in the right direction.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Speaking
Applying Julian Treasure's TEDTalk to coaching, clinics, and character
Free Powerlifting Off Season Training Template-There’s and Off Season?
A long time ago I was talking to my stunt double Spud about training. I asked him what his thoughts were on off season training. He said in a way that only Spud can “There’s an off season you sumbitch?” I pissed my pants laughing most likely drank some whiskey with him after. If […]
Speed Bench and The Combat Chassis.
Every morning I wake up and have BLISTERING ideas as what to get done in a day, based on where we are in our yearly plan. I knew we needed to do some Banded Dynamic Bench. Warming up with a 100 dips and 100 push ups we slammed through 10 sets of three using 40% […]
4/18- Equipped Squats onto a High Box w/team video, 6 Weeks out from the...
Although this has probably been one of the worst training cycles I’ve ever had due to the crazy random autoimmune swelling I’ve had and the subsequent partial hamstring tear due to the prednisone I was taking to treat it, I’m not giving up.
Wednesday Training - Press
FBB Press Warm-up: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 2x25 Split Squat: 2x15 each FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/5x10@95 Pull-ups: 10x5 w/pause Time: 26.36 Kept it extra simple today. I'll most likely do all rows with my bench day. We'll see how the spirit moves me when that day rolls around. I've noticed my appetite is up since I started training […]