BW - 271 BB Complex - 3x6ea RDL/Muscle Snatch, SQuat/Press, Goodmorning, Row DB Incline - 3x12 Lunges - 3x5ea CSRow - 3x12 Curls - 3x12 Jump Rope - 200 Abs - 3x12 My sons 4 year birthday party was this past weekend! Dinosaur themed. Already been 4 years...and my youngest is almost 1.
Getting in what I can when I can. BW - 271 BB Complex - 3x6ea RDL/Muscle Snatch, SQuat/Press, Goodmorning, Row DB Bench - 3x12 Lunges - 3x5ea Row - 3x12 Tricep - 3x12 Jump Rope - 150 Abs - 3x12
Working with 181lb raw world record holder Maliek Derstine
He squatted 755 raw with wraps, benched 529, and deadlifted 677.
My 5 minute rant about my elbow issue.
So I had an appointment with Ortho to have my elbows looked at.
Today our squad hit bench press against bands. They performed 10x3. After that they hit some rep work with single arm rows, rolling tricep extensions, BB curls with pauses then called it a day. I hit some light cable curls, and calves. Kinda boring but does the trick. Just trying to wake my muscles back […]
Disc Injury? It's Not the End! See Why.
Having a disc injury to your lumbar region is not the end of your lifting career, as a matter of fact, this is exactly what turned Vincent DiZenzo into one of the best benchers in the world.
If you train smart and do the proper rehab/prehab there is a strong chance you will return to the platform and be stronger that
Everyone Wants To Be a Frogman On Friday
from Andy Stumpf, a retired member of U.S. Navy SEAL Team 3. Everyone wants to be a Frogman on Friday. One of my favorite quotes from the Teams, because it applies to everyone and every goal. To use SEAL training as an example, 80-85 percent don’t see the third day of hell week, let alone […]
2016wk16 - 225x52 Reverse Grip Bench - 500+ front squats without hands
Hit 225x52 rep reverse grip bench and some big pulls and (no hand) front squats. In my training plan you can see how the core lifts are being managed via velocity measurements. These velocity measurements are built off of my individual profiling sessions of these lifts. Then using a reps in reserve to manage my accessory work as well
4/25- Squats w/team video, 5 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
Dr. Jeff “The Stork” Sevor is doing a great job of maximizing his leverages with a wider stance and is looking good to hit a big PR. Neal Cotton hit a solid 920 with reverse mini bands and is looking good to hit a grand in the near future. My hamstring held up well so things are at least moving
Today our lifters hit deads off the floor against bands. After that they hit rev-hypers, split lunges, then heavy ab work. Great to hear from some of the crew that they are doing more weight than they did at the last meet for reps. Look forward to seeing everyone back on the platform soon. My […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad started their final three week block before we test them out to see where everyone is at. We are looking at some of the team hitting a meet in July and some in November. Today they hit Floor Press as their main movement up to a heavy set of 3. The […]
Applying for a Coaching Position: When They Ask for a Video of You Coaching
In today's climate of strength & conditioning, coaches are not taking chances on hiring an assistant or GA without seeing them coach firsthand. The only logistical way of achieving this is by using video. That clip may be your one and only chance of getting into the profession.
Barn Doors and Combat Chassis
Prowler: 8x40 yards Pull ups: 50 Rack Scraping Rows: 5x10 Pull Over: 5x10 DB Curl: 5x10 DB Hammer Curl: 5x10 Isolation Bicep Curl: 5x10 Pull up totals=2354 Push Up totals=2681 Dip Totals-3883 Prowler Totals: 10,920 yards
4/20 to 4/26
Cardio- Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat ,Mon, Tues all 20 mins stepmill, Sunday 45 mins sled Wed Ab work 6x8 Reverse hypers 4x12 One leg press 10x10x5 rounds Step ups 5x6 per leg Thur Ab work standing abs 5x10 Obliques dumbells 5x8 per side Back work Ab work standing abs 8x8 dumbell rows 10x8 per arm […]