Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

4/18- Equipped Squats onto a High Box w/team video, 6 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
4/18- Equipped Squats onto a High Box w/team video, 6 Weeks out from the...
Although this has probably been one of the worst training cycles I’ve ever had due to the crazy random autoimmune swelling I’ve had and the subsequent partial hamstring tear due to the prednisone I was taking to treat it, I’m not giving up.
Wednesday Training - Press
Wednesday Training - Press
FBB Press Warm-up: 3x5 Pull-aparts: 2x25 Split Squat: 2x15 each FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/5x10@95 Pull-ups: 10x5 w/pause Time: 26.36 Kept it extra simple today.  I'll most likely do all rows with my bench day.  We'll see how the spirit moves me when that day rolls around. I've noticed my appetite is up since I started training […]
Today's Training
Today's Training
Fired up--new leaf turned over, time to let the nuts hang and throw around some pig iron
Axl Bar Dead Lifts
Axl Bar Dead Lifts
Matt Rhodes explained one time, why he uses the double overhand grip with his athletes while dead lifting.  Simple...Their grip will let go far before the low back or any of those big primary muscles do. I thought..WOW! A built in safety. So on top of the double overhand today, I opted for the AXEL […]
Muscle Heads, Meatheads and other Athletes
Muscle Heads, Meatheads and other Athletes
This is not just for Powerlifters, this is for everyone who uses any of these three lifts or looking for way to get more out of their program. Many times the main issues are not in the execution of the big 3 but within all the accessories you do.
Safe Place?
You're going to need to find one from him.
Sergeant Block of Fort Benning
Sergeant Block of Fort Benning
"We will always look to improve ourselves and improve our situation as best we can with what we got. We keep trying to always build off what we have, that we use yesterday's mistakes for a better tomorrow." - Sergeant Block
4/16 to 4/19
4/16 to 4/19
cardio- saturday 20 mins, sunday 30 mins, monday 20 mins, tuesday 20 mins all step mill Saturday -Reverse hypers 3x15 -SSB work. 5x3(still working to get leg healed up) -Deficit deads 3x3 -Reverse hypers 1x20 Monday -Back work 3 exercisesx10 roundsx8 reps -Tsunami bar 8x10 -Plate tricep 6x10 -Plate curls 5x8 Tuesday Standing abs 8x8 […]
Keeping track is the key to victory. Data does not lie.
Monday Taining - Squat
Monday Taining - Squat
Finally!  Back to training 3x a week.  The 4 days for 2 weeks was too much on my old frame.  It was a nice change, but 3 days makes me feel better. I figured out a couple of things. I need to put myself on the clock or I go at my pace. If I […]
Week 1 of Structured Training - Full weekly Program details
Week 1 of Structured Training - Full weekly Program details
In my training plan you can see how the core lifts are being managed via velocity measurements. These velocity measurements are built off of my individual profiling sessions of these lifts. Then using a reps in reserve to manage my accessory work as well as tracking of the perceived workout difficulty which are all visible in the training
Leg Training with Dynamic Emphasis
Leg Training with Dynamic Emphasis
A sample dynamic - explosive leg - squat training session from my training on Sunday.
Video Log of Birthday Training and final week of unstructured training
Video Log of Birthday Training and final week of unstructured training
Training log was previously posted on this. But finally catching up on my video logs! Here is the last week of training before beginning my structured training plan for my #GrandGoals plan.
The single best way to improve your lifting is through hands on coaching.
4/15- Raw Bench Reps and pound for pound I have the biggest neck at OBB, 7 weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
4/15- Raw Bench Reps and pound for pound I have the biggest neck at OBB,...
The guys are constantly measuring something to compare to each other (thankfully as far as I know they’ve stayed clothed).
Old School Max Effort Bench Day (video)
Old School Max Effort Bench Day (video)
Here are some video clips from a video magazine that visited Westside Barbell Club when I was still training there. Notice the lack of equipment we are wearing and listen to what Louie says at the end of the clips. There is much to learn in these.
Awesome Powerlifting Videos - Hawaii World Record Breakers
Awesome Powerlifting Videos - Hawaii World Record Breakers
Some great lifting from one of the best meets at the time (mid 80's to 90)
Meet Prep: Week 7- Bench accessories & Squat and dead doubles
Meet Prep: Week 7- Bench accessories & Squat and dead doubles
Some heavy squat and dead work... and taking risks.

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