4/5- A trip to the Allergist, and some benching
My hope is that the purpose of my coaching log is to help you learn through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) as well as how to overcome adversity, regardless of what it may be.
Friday Training
Did more program writing today and loaded up on Monster. Today was a good day. FBB Bench Warm-up 3x5-10 DB Snatch 2x10 each Pull-aparts 50 FBB Bench 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 245x5, 225x5 Pull-ups 5x5 w/pause Hammer Row 2x20 w/pause Side Raises 25 DB Curls 50 So, I felt like going off the reservation […]
Are you disciplined or playing Candy Land?
How can a Junior High wrestler be more committed to their wrestling sport then a powerlifter training for the top title in their federation, country or whatnot? Because it happens!
Thursday Training
I did some serious program writing this morning. Six weeks of my summer football program, my freshmen summer program, extensive notes for women's soccer, volleyball and women's basketball. Very productive morning. Deadlift Warm-ups 3x5@135 GHR Sit-ups 3x10 Deadlift 235x5, 275x5, 315x5, 5x5@235 Pull-ups 4x8 Push-ups 4x20 Shoulder Death (Front Plate Raise/Side Raise/Shrugs/DB Cleans) 25 […]
I think it's a waste of time to restate something that you already agree with. If you are 100% in agreement then why the fuck do you need to say so and then detail the reason that has already been stated? I dislike it when my time or effort gets wasted. ADD something or move […]
4/4- Accessory Work, 8 Weeks out from the APF Equipped Nationals
My hope is the purpose of my coaching log is to help you learn through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20+ year veteran in the sport) as well as how to overcome adversity, regardless of what it may be.
Grand Canyon, Sedona, Phoenix, broken toes, and Training
This training week I went all over Arizona on family vacation and yes I did get some training in although much less than I'm used to. Started playing around with No-Hands front squats... and broke my toe.
Fix Your Squat: Tips on Getting Your Hands Right
Starting with your hands and wrists in a bad position sets you up to deliver less force, have less ability to control your body throughout the lift, increases your tendency to dump forward with heavy weight at the top and decreases the lats ability to contract maximally and do what they are supposed to do.
Tuesday Training
I felt the urge to train two days in a row. FBB Press Warm-up 3x5-10 Pull-aparts 2x25 Split Squat 2x15 FBB Press 105x5, 125x5, 145x5, 5x8@105 Rope Pull-ups 4x5 (terrible choice) Pull-ups 3x10 On top of the urge to train two days in a row I got the urge to do rope pull-ups. We have […]
A New Chapter
With the Wendler NOV Invitational Meet behind him, Vincent is forging ahead with Operation Be Less Fat. He plans on dropping down to hit a meet in the 198's — his sixth weight class. This all happens while moving into a new house, having a stressful year of work, and keeping his wife and dog happy. You know, life stuff.
Meet Prep: Week 6, Heavy bench, squat access and KY NSCA conference
Ramping up after deload... menstrual cycles... and progress pics?? Plus grab my slides from the presentation
Back training and getting smaller
Back training and working on looking more sexually attractive at the beach
24 hours at the meet venue, two, 12 hour days packed with 230 powerlifters filling up 2 platforms, with 2 sets of loaders, spotters, judges and an audience wildly supporting the lifters, all under 1 single roof….and with that, the 2016 APF ILLINOIS STATE POWERLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIP is in the books. HD Video Mini-Clip Included.