1/4/2023 I Don't Need to Hear Your Excuses.
I don't need to hear anyone's excuses or what they have to say. Their actions already spoke volumes of truth! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles AirDyne Bike: 10/10/10 mins; Legs only/Arms and Legs/Arms only C/S DB Incline Row:4x15 Lat Pulldown: 3x15 Blast Strap Single Arm Row: 4x10 Barbell Curl: 8x8 Ab Wheel: 4x12
1/3/2023 Wow! That Only Took Two Days...
This is remarkable! Someone caught on quicker than I can ever remember. "Coach! We're doing an awful lot of conditioning..." Ummm, YEA! For the next 90 days, we are concentrating on just the BASICS in strength training with maybe one, possibly TWO accessory exercises. An ab exercise per day (you have 8 points of innervation […]
1/2/2023 "A New Year a New You?"
Yea, we all know how that goes. How about this??? Instead of waiting for your "Participation trophy" you get back to work, only harder. I don't take new people into my program until February. Why? Because in the past I will spend most of my time teaching the new folks taking away time for the […]
12/30/2022 The New Year is The Beginning of Anything You Want?
I am one that doesn't wait for the beginning of a new year, week or day to get started on something. I believe that if you want to do something, get something, give something, go do it NOW! We don't get to have this moment again. "You can't stand in the same river twice" is […]
12/29/2022 Simple and To the Point...
Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arms only Squat: 15x1x70% of gym max GHR: 5x10 Ab Wheel 5x10 That's it!
12/28/2022 Work the Basics Because They Basically Work
I quoted the great Ed Coan yesterday on a social media page. He was simplifying people that overtrain and add too much to their programs. "The new generation grossly overtrains.You can’t do it all, choose what brings the most bang for your buck. Your approach should be one bullet, one kill. To quote from The […]
It's A Christmas Freakin' Miracle!
The older I get, the more I realize training isn't going to be easy. Not the intensity of training mind you. What I am speaking of is whether my body will actually allow me the privilege of doing it.
12/27/2022 It Comes Down to One Simple Thing:
How bad do you want it? Once that decision is made, all the other ones are also made. If you are waiting for the FIRST of the year to begin your quest to get fit, then you have only a 20% chance of hitting the targets. If you really want something bad enough, you will […]
12/26/2022 I Wasn't MIA...I had a Four-Game Suspension
If you read my posts from a Social Media hyperlink then you missed me these past few days. I don't write about my political beliefs here on EliteFTS because, well...THIS AIN'T THE FORUM for that. Anyway, seems I trip a wire on one of the platforms that got me a four-game suspension (but no fines […]
12.22.2022 What the heck to call them?
I added a dynamic finisher to today's workout with an exercise that I consider plyometric in nature. We took the hex bar and put it on the second pin. The idea is to jump as high as you can while holding the hex bar. Upon ground contact, absorb the shock by immediately decelerating the weight […]
12.21.2022 If you have it, use it. If not come back later.
I had three different people come into the gym today that looked like "death warmed over". Yes, there is a "bug" going around that is taking its toll on some. Heck! I had it (and now dealing with the aftermath) but I had the sense to accommodate my issue. These folks were trudging through the […]
12/20/2022 I Am Back in The Gym
After yesterday's recovery, I felt good enough to open the gym and get people trained. Although I kept everyone at a distance and isolated myself when I trained. I made sure to swab the equipment that I used and didn't cough, sneeze or even BREATHE on the next person. My coaching style was all verbal […]
12/19/2022 I Took a Day Off...
Yep, I never take days off. I take days off from training, of course, but those are rare. I mean I took the day off from even going to the gym at all. I've been going long hours with no rest wearing many hats. My wife's father took ill and lives in Michigan, so she […]