Week 2 - Training
Day 1 - Clean - 5x3 Snatch - 5x3 BB Lunge - 4x5ea SH Press - 4x12 Curls - 3x10 Day 2 - Clean 4x4 Snatch - 5x3 Squats - 4x5 Push-ups - 50reps Lunge - 4x5 Row - 4x12 Tricep - 3x12
Four foods for EPIC fat abs
I'm writing this post because one mark of measure we used to use years ago to gauge our potential strength and how we were peaking for a meet was we would measure the size of our head and the size of our bellies. Based upon that, we would know if we were ready for our meet or not. Are you
Julia Ladewski - A Coach You Should Know
She has helped thousands of people over the years do exactly what you are trying to or wanting to do.
In The Name of Science and Medicine
Begin with a little background. I've been suffering since Christmas with some sort of upper respiratory issue, along with mucous that won't quit and a throat cough that I've been able to "hock" up things that need their own anthem and flag. I also have a training partner that is "that"guy. Everyone needs "that" guy. […]
Chest and Calves at Strength Beyond
Hit the 140s for 25 on flat barbell on a solo chest workout late Sunday evening
Off-season: First heavy-ish (raw) squat since March
Meet prep starts next week. Took a squat single, heaviest since March and ended up being not that heavy. And donuts........
Discipline Video Rant: Fat, Bloated, Angry with CPAP imprents on my face.
There's going to be a time when you can't do this anymore. Don't piss on this opportunity. When it's gone, it's gone.
Monday Training
I spent Sunday doing my thing, as usual. I bought a red dot sight for my AR and set out to zero it. I did just that, but I don't like the sight. The crosshairs aren't in a set position, like with a scope. So, if you don't put your cheek in the same place […]
Friday Training
I don't remember how I was feeling Friday, so I'll just post my work. Deadlift Warm-ups 3x5 Ab Rollouts 3x10 Deadlift Work 225x5, 275x5, 325x5, 5x5@225 Fat Man Rows 4x15 Push-ups 4x25 Really short and sweet.
"AH-NOLD, AH-NOLD, AH-NOLD!!!!" 950LB SQUAT OPENER for the 201...
The purpose of this log is to show you WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Steve Brock’s 950LB opener while training, for the 2016 ARNOLD. AH-NOLD, AH-NOLD, AH-NOLD!!!!!!
Destroying the Paradigm of what makes a "Functional Bench Press&quo...
Here is my presentation to the UWS students and faculty on my theory and approach on the using a loaded frontal oblique sling and the addition of a grounded horizontal vector to improve shoulder stability. Thinking of it as a grounded frontal oblique sling throw instead of a press explains how the arched bench improves shoulder stability and reduces
Four key factors to staying tight, strong and injury free.
The first thing you need to understand is when lifting big weights, or light weights for that matter, being tight is extremely important. The tighter that you can keep your body, the safer and stronger you will be, but what does "getting tight mean?". Here are four simple ,but often overlooked, things to help you get started today...
6 Training Videos You Don't Want To Miss
John Meadows is now just a few weeks away from the Arnold Classic. I thought it would be a good idea to post some of the videos we've made together.
Squat/DL/Bench/More Dips/More Pushups
Hustling between Hockey games on Saturday, we squatted and dead lifted for speed. I say, "between" hockey games because the morning game was held in Oakland, which on a good day is 45 minute drive (without traffic) then back to the gym for the squat/DL. Quick lunch and off to Freemont in where the Santa […]
Friday 2/19 Upper and Saturday 2/20 Lower
Thursday stepmill 30 mins Friday 2/19 Ab work 6x10 standing abs Standing pulls to stomachy area 8x8 overhand, 4x8 underhand, Rope pulls 4x8 Stability ball log bench press 14 sets totals going 2 sets at a time,1st 10 to 12 reps, 2nd with minimal rest 5 to 8. Curls with log 3x10 Declines for reps […]