Orlando Barbell APF Florida State Meet Full Results
Congrats to all of the competitors and thank you again to everyone who helped! We'll see you at the next one!
Final training and wrap-up of off-season
I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. […]
2/22- Single Ply Deadlifts w/video
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the philosophy behind my training which has developed into the M2 Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport).
An attempt to find a cure for my autoimmune issues
My hope is that I may be able to help out others with similar conditions through my trial and error.
Another dog fight and a reconsideration of our future.
Let me preface this by stating that 99.9% of the time our dogs relax, play, and get along great, but since we’ve had issues in the past we’ve taken measures to try to prevent any further incidents.
Are you a coach or a captain?
If you're are the top dog in your gym are you being a "Captain" or a "Chump".
This could be the worst thing I've ever done for squats.
Yes, I still do stupid shit for no other reason then to see if I can do it or not. In this case I failed.
Off-season: SSB Squats, lotta back and... conditioning??
Still love SSB. Still getting a wider back. And still suck at conditioning
I'd have to say my program is 60% male and 40% female. Of that percentage, there can be a swing either way depending on the goals or "that" time of the month. (for both men and women). I'm cool with the monthly cycles the people go through, and YES, in my 58 years I understand […]
A Tribute to Maris Anne Sternberg
"Powerlifting has lost a true Legend. Maris is now in a better place and no longer struggling to take another breath of air"
Dieting Down and Prep for Photo Shoot
Working on bringing my body into photo shoot ready condition following my most recent meet. Discuss my training approach and a little bit on the diet along with some videos of current condition.
Win 12 weeks of online training from Team Elitefts
This is a money back offer on a service you will have the ability to win for FREE.
What it takes to be a powerlifting coach and a little on programming
In this video Coach Goggins talks about what it takes to be a powerlifting coach.
New Bench Press Exercise + Arnold Updates
I think this may have some value beyond being a warmup drill. If you do it correctly, you are driving your lower body as hard as you can, you are pushing your belly up to meet the bar and you are driving the hips as hard as you can off the chest.
This is all a lot easier to do with