Smelling Like a Pizza
I woke up at my normal time today and April asked, "what are you doing?" Mind you it's 0330 and I'm wondering why is she up asking me questions? My intention was to brush my teeth to scrape the GARLIC taste from my mouth. Huh? OK, I've been fighting a terrible cold for about […]
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!
"If you're capable of sending a text message between sets,you probably aren't working working hard enough". This was posted and some people really got pissed about it. Read why...
Got to use the Athos from the Coaching Point of View.
Thanks for allowing me the demonstration Gabe Rangel
Friday Training
Had a plan to train and people started coming in. I actually got to catch up with a former football player who's off to AIT at the end of March and Ranger School after that. So that was awesome. That left me with exactly 60 minutes until my soccer group had to start. I hammered […]
What Could I Have Done Differently
Looking back, how would I have changed my training based off what I know now?
Yesterday's Training & Old Man Strength
These guys are hitting life time bests, NOW--not because suits all RAW!!! Be inspired, age is more than # but not a barrier to hit your all-time bests!
The High School Strength Coach Podcasts
Interviews with four of the top high school strength and conditioning coaches in the country featuring Fred Eaves, Gary Schofield, Tobias Jacobi, and Dan Stevens
Is Geared Powerlifting DEAD?
Is Powerlifting really growing? Is geared Powerlifting dead? How much can sleeves ad? Do lifters assume things that may not be true?
Off-season: Deadlifts! Sumo and Conventional
Heavy deads don't come up very often right now, but ended up with a good day of 315x2 with some still in the tank.
Thur Upper 1/28
Swiss bar speed 5x5 Mag grip tricep pushdowns and standing pulls to chest 6x 8 per Dumbell lying frenchie tricep extensions 5x8 Occlusion tri set Pushdowns/machine curls/dumbell presses 3 rounds x 10 to 20 per exercise.
1/25- Reverse Band Deadlifts, M2 Equipped Method, Record Breaker Program...
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the philosophy behind my training which has developed into the M2 Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport).
Off-season: SSB Squats, Benching and Pullups for everyone
SSB, oh how I love thee... crappy bench but still solid... and pullups and pullups and pullups
Part 2: Top 5 Exercises That Carry Over to Everything-OR Exercises to Ma...
After some thought I felt I needed to revisit this. Yes, I still believe that ones I listed before are the Top 5, this is part 2 and maybe we should re-name it to the Top 10.
Anyway, here are the exercises in no particular order.
Shoulder Flow Work - Working Stabilization Principals
This week Duffin takes a break from his normal lifting videos and provides some footage of some of the recovery or preventative drills he works into his training.
Ambushed by the Camera of Tinker Nip
Crap, crap....CRAP!!! I had THREE good stories to share with everyone and now I can't remember any of them. Suppose they weren't that important.......CRAP! I need to write these things down as they unfold. SSB Low Box Squat: Work up to a HEAVY three reps Rep Squat: 5x12x160 GHR: 3x8 1x20 45 […]
Wednesday Training
My knee is feeling pretty well. I have such superior genetics and I heal faster than normal people. For shits and giggles, I'm going to write this out how I did it so you can see exactly what I mean when I post the other way I write it. I don't know why I'm thinking […]
Snapshot of Football Winter Training
This is a week in the life of my football team as they go through Winter Workouts (The 2nd Season - as named by the HFC). MONDAY - Full Body Lift (Heavy Bench Work) - 2:30pm or 3:45pm groups Barbell Snatch warm-up (RDL, OH Squat, Hang SNatch) x3 w/bar Hang Snatch 3x3@95-135lbs Spidermans 2x5 & […]