2022 Goals Recap
I went into 2022 thinking it would be a rebuilding year, I didn't know how right I'd be. It was an up-and-down year, but I'm finishing on a high note.
12/16/2022 1000 rep Arm Day
It's that time of the month again, kids. Better call the veterinarian because YOUR PYTHONS are going to look SICK!!! Today's Training: 5x20 of the following: Barbell Curl Cable Tricep Push-down Dumbbell Curl Supine Dumbbell Tricep Extension Seated, Thighs to collarbone curls Dips Dumbbell Hammer Curl C/S Tricep KickBack Concentration Curl Crossbody Supine Dumbbell Tricep […]
Old Man Conjugate: New Hips and New Dogs
I got one and am getting the other soon. Plus a BIG event this Saturday.
12/15/2022 The Past
It's a reference point, not a residence point. Remember that!!! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x80 yards 5 sets of 10 reps of the following with no more than 30 seconds between sets Squat GHR Forward Stepping Lunge Reverse Hyper Rear Stepping Lunge Suspended Knees to Elbow 45 degree back extension side bends Shrugs Cycle: […]
12/14/2022 Is it OK for Men to Cry?
Two nights ago at dinner, my son turned to me and out of the blue asked this question. I gave him my look and, with certainty, said, "It depends". He then asked if I ever cried. To which I responded, "Under my own terms, I cried. But I've never done it in front of anyone". […]
12/13/2022 Remember These Things The Next Time You're Pissed Off
The next time you're upset or blue remember these things: Pain is a part of growing Everything is temporary Complaining or worrying changes NOTHING Your scars are symbols of your strength. They show how you kicked life's ass Every struggle is a step forward Other people's bullshit is NOT your problem Eventually, everything that is […]
12/12/2022 Excuses are Useless
I have always made training a priority. I have made people wait, and missed meetings and events. I have pissed people off and ruffled more than my share of feathers with my need to train. I've never missed a scheduled training session because of: "I don't feel good" Oversleeping Over tired "I don't feel like […]
Sciatica Cure!
Sciatica can be so painful and complicated. I found somthing that works for me. Maybe it will work for you too.
12/9/2022 Hang Out With Winners
The conversation is quite different. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 20 mins Dynamic OHP: 10x3 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 BB Front Raise: 4x10 Pull-a-parts: 4x15x mini band Shrug: 4x12 Decline Sit-up: 4x10 Side Flexion (use the 45-degree back extension): 4x10 Cycle: Commute
12/8/2022 Prowler and Life Goals
As I was pushing the Prowler this morning I woke the two monkeys that show up on your shoulders. You know the ones, one is a fun, wonderful monkey that cheers on your efforts, and the other one, the oftentimes LOUDER one is in a contestant debate with the good one, and is a freak'n […]
12/7/2022 A Day of Infamy.
"The President Requests War Declaration 125 ( "December 7, 1941, A Date Which Will Live in Infamy" Address to the Congress Asking That a State of War Be Declared Between the United States and Japan. December 8, 1941 Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives: YESTERDAY, December 7, […]
12/6/2022 Everyone gets to that point...
Everyone reaches a point where they can quit and just call it that new term that I hate, "It is what it is..." (I just gagged). But it is at this point that you determine exactly who the fuck you are! Quit once and the next time it gets easier. Don't let that happen. NOT […]
12/5/2022 Dynamic Deadlift w/ Iso holds
We are in the last weeks of the training year and the goal of the program is to not allow for seven to 14 lbs of "Holiday" weight gain. To accomplish this, I slam in a LOT of conditioning to counter the caloric intake of many. The heart rates were elevated, to say the least. […]
“Some Guys Get Hurt In Military Combat. I Get Hurt Napping.” - Jim Wendler
The older I get, the more imporant the little things become. Add sleep position to the list.
12/2/2022 Are You Crazy?
Whenever I'm asked this question, I respond with, "Yes". That's it, no need for further conversation. That should cover it. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 15 mins Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10 Ab Wheel: 3x10 45-degree side flex: 3x10 on each side OHP: 4 RM DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 DB Front Raise: 4x10 Shrug: 4x10 […]
12/1/2022 Do The Things You NEED to Do Today...
I have a few "older" people that train in my program. One fella in particular is 79 years old and is a total savage. Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, super smart and wickedly wise and has a sparkling sense of humor. We like to chat when his training is done for the day and we will […]
11/30/2022 WHAT? November 30th ALREADY??
For goodness' sake, it was yesterday that it was July and I was on the beach. Today the temps in the Bay Area was 32 degrees. I looked like the Michelin Man while riding my bike today. Regardless, I still get up and take an outdoor ice-cold shower to start the day. Layer up, and […]
11/29/2022 Work Harder
I'll never be the best-looking person in the room. I'll never be the most intelligent person in the room nor the most educated (there is a difference) or well-versed. I can't compete on those levels. Never have and never will. But, what I can always compete on is the true egalitarian aspect to success, which […]