Team Goggins Force wins USAPL Georgia & Southern States Championship
Team Goggins Force wins USAPL Georgia & Southern States Championship for the second year in a row.
My client Lodrina Cherne had an awesome month!
The following weekend I traveled to Georgia for the USAPL Georgia & Southern States Championship where I competed raw in the 63kg class. I wanted to place well and earn team points for Goggins Force;
How to work on top end weakness in the deadlift
This can easily be done by adding chains or bands or both.
12/29- A rough Rawish Bench
I’m not sure what I did to cause it, but in the middle of the I woke up to extreme elbow pain which kept me from sleeping the rest of the night. In the morning my arm hurt so much that I could barely perform normal activities like brushing my teeth. I still gutted through the training as best I
12/28- Raw Deadlifts w/team video
Still working on increasing my hip mobility to stand wider, get my hips closer to the bar, and reduce my ROM.
Client - Week 7
Day 1 - Bench - 87-91%, 6 Total reps, 2 rep range; Pause last rep 4 board Press - 3x3 RPE 9 Upper Back Choice - x30reps Row Choice - x30reps Day 2 - Sumo Dead - 87-91%, 4 total reps - 1-2 reps range RDL - 3x5 RPE 8-9 Shrugs - x30reps Curls - 3x12 […]
Client Week 8
Day 1 - Bench - 84-88%, 9 Total reps, 2-3 rep range; Pause last rep 4 board Press - 3x3 RPE 8-9 Upper Back Choice - x30reps Row Choice - x30reps Day 2 - Sumo Dead - 84-88%, 6 total reps - 2-3 reps range RDL - 3x5 RPE 8-9 Shrugs - x30reps Curls - 3x12 […]
Client - Week 9
Day 1 - Bench - 80-84%, 12 Total reps, 2-3 rep range; Pause last rep 4 board Press - 4x3 RPE 8 Upper Back Choice - x30reps Row Choice - x30reps Day 2 - Sumo Dead - 80-84%, 9 total reps - 2-3 reps range RDL - 3x5 RPE 8 Shrugs - x30reps Curls […]
Client - Week 10
Day 1 Bench - 75% 2x2 DB Shoulder Press - x20reps T Raise - x20reps Chain Tricep - x20reps Cable External Rotation - 3x12-15 Day 2 Sumo Dead - 2x2 75% DB Lunge - 2x6 Shrugs - x30reps BB Suit case Hold - 3 sets, 30-45 sec Curls - 3x12 Day 3 Squat - 75% […]
Off-season: "Deload" catch up after few days off (video)
Playing a little catch up on the log and in training. Served as a bit of a deload week so I'm ready to get back to it
The world needs more Freemasons
Freemasonry is not a secret society, it is the world's oldest fraternity that just happens to have some secrets. They do over 1million dollars a day of charity work around the world and here is why I think we need more masons.
Tension Makes the Weights Go Round
When we lift it is critically important to create tension in the body in order to:
Avoid injury
Activate the nervous system
Activate more muscle fiber
Move the weight fast
Smash big weights
Make your head turn purple
Did You See That Post I Made?
Did you see the post I made the other day? If not you need to read this....
A Christmas Gift from my Team
One of my participants arranged for a new sweat shirt. "Team Selkow" on the front, "Embrace the Suck" on the back. Here's Hunter modeling this years version: Fat Man Pull Ups after EVERY SET: x 10 Dips: 5x12/Pull ups Reverse Grip Curl:5x8/Pull ups Cable Tricep Push Downs: 5x12/Pull Ups Cable Curl: […]