Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Seminar Recaps
Seminar Recaps
Hit some great seminars in the DC/northern Virginia area this past weekend with Scott Paltos. Bringing programming, strength, nutrition and coaching topics.
Legs EOD: day 2
Legs EOD: day 2
Day 2 of my legs every other day for 6 weeks program.
Mashed Up Meathead - Creeper Leg Hell
Mashed Up Meathead - Creeper Leg Hell
Another leg training session that absolutely Kicked my ass.
I Saw The Light
I Saw The Light
Well, it was sunshine in the Caribbean, technically, but you get my point.
Gym Updates
Gym Updates
Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of the help. This shows me that my team and I have created something great here. I doubt a big box gym would have their members help like this.
Training Updated, awesome lifts and new videos
Training Updated, awesome lifts and new videos
So last week finished with a band excellent week of training---all weekend I coached at various meets and people did great--way too much to write about it all. Here is what I did yesterday Boxing on Mitts 50 minutes this session was brutal, hardest yet.  I was pressed for time and to do computer work […]
Off-season: Bench and shoulder swole
Off-season: Bench and shoulder swole
Decent bench day... and why RPE's have recently saved me mentally in training.
The Spot Athletics Christmas Party
The Spot Athletics Christmas Party
Last Friday we had our Spot Athletics Christmas party. It was a lot of fun. There were several things I realized during the party that I wanted to share with everyone, because I think they are important take aways.
Embrace the Suck
Embrace the Suck
Tuesday and our Bench session has turned into "Project Holiday". Along with most things we do this time of year, "Project Holiday" is geared for that time of year when folks will gain 7-14 lbs of unnecessary weight just because,'s festive. Nope, not the case with me and mine.  We are truly embracing the […]
Mashed Up Meathead - Shoulders & Getting Busted
Mashed Up Meathead - Shoulders & Getting Busted
My training History: I trained less than one year before competing in my first powerlifting meet as a teenager back in 1983. Before leaving the sport partially due to injuries in 2005 I achieved my elitefts status in the 198,220,242,275 & 308 weight class. Throughout these years I did have a 3 year run in […]
REverse hypers 4x10 deadlift 495x2x5 sets Reverse hypers 3x12   Nothing much to report. Closing a couple stores so that is consuming my training time but I am moving all of it myself so I am getting cardio and lots and lots of rep work in.
Extended Monday Training
Extended Monday Training
I finished my lift around 2, ate and was doing some paperwork and other boring stuff like that.  Around 4 I couldn't believe I had at least an hour left at work so I decided to do my bodyweight circuit. Push-ups 50 reps Fat Man Rows 50 reps GHR 25 reps Sit-ups 50 reps I […]
Monday Training
Monday Training
I took my time today.  Just wasn't feeling like rushing.  I enjoyed the ride. Squat 235x5, 285x5, 325x10, 5x5@245 DB Rows 5x10   FBB Incline 140x5, 150x5, 160x5, 5x5@140 Pull-ups 5x5   Side Raises 3x10 DB Shrugs 3x10 Sit-ups 5x10 The weight room got busy and I decided to do my bodyweight stuff tomorrow with […]
Jo Jordan IS Super Santa
Jo Jordan IS Super Santa
Talk about being insightful...
Legs EOD for 6 weeks
Legs EOD for 6 weeks
Day one in a six week experiment where I train legs every other day. How stupid am I, amarite?
Interview with All-Time Record Holder Sam Byrd
Interview with All-Time Record Holder Sam Byrd
Hear us talk about our training, history, and competing against one another.
How To Coach Yourself!
How To Coach Yourself!
Weightlifting UNCUT!
There is always a fever pitch of training the last few weeks of training prior to a big meet. This log features the foundational work that the final weeks of prep and ultimately meet day are built upon. A MUST SEE COACHING LOG!!!!!
Mashed Up Meathead - Just Another Chest Day
Mashed Up Meathead - Just Another Chest Day
Same shit, just a different day.

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