Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Off-season: Squats/legs, gym stories and 2 seminars!
Off-season: Squats/legs, gym stories and 2 seminars!
I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Since July we have slowly transitioned from a bodybuilding split to more of a powerlifting/strength focus, while still hitting lots of volume to build mass. Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March. […]
15 Questions for Reflection
15 Questions for Reflection
Anytime you are interviewed, it is an absolute honor. More than that, it is a great opportunity to reflect on what you really believe when you must articulate those thoughts by answering meaningful questions.
Off-season: Back and Bench/shoulders (165x6)
Off-season: Back and Bench/shoulders (165x6)
Big back day. Then some WIDE grip bench work... it's moving along!! (video)
My rant on little kids lifting weights
My rant on little kids lifting weights
Today was way too long of a day and sometimes you have to rant.
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest Crushing Day
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest Crushing Day
Slowing taking the chest volume up + 135 Bench Press Rep Hell.
My Snatch, My Pain
My Snatch, My Pain
New Programming Gone Bad?
Further Nut'n it Up!
Further Nut'n it Up!
Here Matt Ladewski and I discuss the mini Prowler.
Two-Brain Radio Episode 7: The Dave Tate Effect
Two-Brain Radio Episode 7: The Dave Tate Effect
"I should have hit "record" before I dialed the phone. And I should have hung up before I hit "STOP." I first encountered Dave Tate over fifteen years ago on..." - Chris
How To Spot A Bro
How To Spot A Bro
You remember that time, who am I kidding, those times, when someone asked you for a lift off and you ended up doing a set of bent over rows? I do...
In my experience, the stronger the lifter as well as the more seasoned the lifter, the less weight they will use that final week prior to the meet as it takes them considerably longer for their CNS to recover from an all out max effort session. This log chronicles the last squat session prior to the meet of an intermediate
Advantages, Disadvantages & Uses of Isometrics.
Advantages, Disadvantages & Uses of Isometrics.
Some advantages and disadvantages of isometrics.
Earning My Pain
Earning My Pain
Day 3 of "Stopping the Wheeze" Even here in California it gets down to freezing.  Not for long, but before the sun comes up, it is 32 degrees.  YIKES!!!! The toughest part today was making sure my insides were evacuated before heading out.  As I remember, nothing is worse than having to stop and "litter" […]
Got Knee Pain?
Got Knee Pain?
Just a Few Ideas...
Run Until the Wheezing Stops
Run Until the Wheezing Stops
I'm EARNING the rights to the pain!
If you can call it that. I've been out so long that most any one who even looks at this log, if anyone, doesn't even probably know I exist. Day 1 DB Bench - 5x12 DB Lunge - 5x8ea Standing Row - 5x12 DB Squat - 5x10 Scare Crow - 5x12 Tricep - 5x12   […]
Mashed Up Meathead - Back Attack
Mashed Up Meathead - Back Attack
...another day in the gym
11/27- Walked out deload squats at Brutal Iron Gym in South Carolina w/pics and video, 1 Week out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
11/27- Walked out deload squats at Brutal Iron Gym in South Carolina w/p...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday and Thursday
Wed and Thursday 20 mins intervals stepmill Wednesday 750 BW reps on squat machine, hack squat and leg press Thursday Standing abs 8x10 Rope low rear delt 6x8 Bench 275x3x10 Dumbell press 3x100 Spud

Items 8661 to 8680 of 10198 total