Client - Week 11
Day 1 Bench w/ weight release (90lbs) 1x1 w/ 5 sec Ecc, 1x1, 2 total sets, RPE 9; 3 additional sets @ 10% drop DB Shoulder Press - x30reps T Raise - x30reps Chain Tricep - x30reps Cable External Rotation - 3x12-15 Day 2 Sumo Dead w/ 80lbs chain - 1x2 RPE 9, 1x3 10% […]
Client - Week 12
Day 1 Bench w/ weight release (70lbs) 1x1 w/ 5 sec Ecc, 1x2 with 3 second pause; 5 total sets, RPE 8 DB Shoulder Press - x30reps T Raise - x30reps Chain Tricep - x30reps Cable External Rotation - 3x12-15 Day 2 Sumo Dead w/ 100lbs chain - 1x3 RPE 8-9, 4x4 10% drop […]
11/17- Single Ply Bench w/video, 2 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Win...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Coaching a future all time great!
Maliek Derstine is one of the most phenomenal powerlifters of today.
Off-season: Back/Biceps and Bench/Shoulders/Arms
Bench work is moving really well. The amount of reps handled at these weights is really good for me. Also worked with long-time eliteFTS reader on her bench and we made a few adjustments and hit a PR!
Wednesday and Friday
Wed 20 mins intervals, THursday 20 mins intervals Wednesday Leg press partial6x100reps Friday Light bench and shoulder rok10x20 reps bench, 10 x10 each way Stability ball pushups 8x10 Spud
On the Road Learning & Lifting - Nov Wk 2
Chris discusses his experiences with a recent DNS Throwing seminar he attended due to the increase in popularity of the popularity of the ShouldeRok in throwing sports. He also hit some great lifts before hitting the road.
Friday. Just the Session
DB Floor Press: 5x20 Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3x60% Pec Minor Dip: 3x30 Stretcher Push up: 3x30 Alternating DB Shoulder Press: 3x15 DB Lateral Raise: 3x30 Me: Incline Press: 5x11x80 Bench Press: 5x11x80 Cable Fly: 5x11x25 Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20 Shrugs: 4x12x455
The Truth About Continuing Education
If you present at seminars, clinics or certifications this is a must read. If you attended any of these events this is also a must read.
CJ Piantieri competing at the Special Olympics Florida State Games
Here’s my athlete, CJ Piantieri, bringing home yet another gold medal at the Special Olympics Florida State Games last Saturday. Congrats CJ! I’ve now been coaching CJ for over 6 years. Due to illness he’s had his ups and downs, but has managed to maintain his strength and motivation throughout the years. Last weekend he […]
Off-season: Squats, SSB Front squats and legs
I competed in NPC Junior Nationals on June 12-13. I came in with a much bigger and leaner package than years past. Moving into the off season I will be working on my raw strength and putting on size in my upper body. Competition plans are still to be determined with the possibility of some powerlifting […]
11/16- Single Ply Deadlifts w/team video, 2 Weeks out from the APF Gulf ...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
2 Exercises and a Lot of Wobbly Legs
Tomorrow should look like the scene in Bambi when he took to the ice for the first time
Mashed Up Meathead - Arm day and other notes.
Arm training and update on bodyweight and sleep study.
The 2015 Strength & Speed Seminar at Robert Morris University
Become an exceptional athlete and coach by learning from some of the best coaches in strength and conditioning! Sunday, December 13, 2015
Mashed Up Meathead - Delts & Belts
Shoulder training for the day and a life tip that you will love if you have bad shoulders.
Listen to Your Body, It’s Smarter Than You
Your body is an incredibly smart and efficient machine. It tells you things all the time, things you need to know. You just need to smart enough to hear it.