Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

The REAL TRUTH About Weak Points
The REAL TRUTH About Weak Points
If you do not read anything else this week, READ THIS. If you are serious about training and building a better life, READ THIS.
Harden the F Up!
Harden the F Up!
It may suck, but inside my head, that suck is going to get comfortable
Mashed Up Meathead - Shoulders
Mashed Up Meathead - Shoulders
This was actually much harder than it looks.
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest Training
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest Training
Flies, Presses, Flies, Presses and Dips - That's about the extent of it.
Off-season: Squats (narrow) and Back
Off-season: Squats (narrow) and Back
Much needed lazy Sunday, lacrosse ball becomes friends with my hip/hammie. Things are still moving along nicely.
Some updated training stuff
Some updated training stuff
I aim very low in life
Discussing Limb Length, Leverages, and Technique -- 850x5 Deadlift -- 2015wk47
Discussing Limb Length, Leverages, and Technique -- 850x5 Deadlift -- 20...
Duffin hits some impressive lifts this week highlighted with an 850x5 deadlift. He also discusses limb length ratio's and some concepts to employ to reduce range of motion and improve lockout on the deadlift.
Weightlifting PRs
Weightlifting PRs
Season's Bests Anyways!
Six body-weight movements that should be part of every training program
Six body-weight movements that should be part of every training program
Six body-weight movements that can be added to make any training program better.
Back to Basics
Back to Basics
We are working HARDER than ever to keep that L column small
Hip replacement recovery and squat training update
Hip replacement recovery and squat training update
I squat 2 to 3 times a month. That's what feels good.
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Saturday 20 mins intervals, Sunday 30 mins, Monday 20 mins Saturda y Reverse Hypers 4x12 Belt squats medium stance 10x5 reps Belt squat stomps 3x50 per leg Belt squats close stance to bottom 5x5 Reverse hypers 2x12 MOnday Back pullsdowns with neutral grip and chest supported rows 10x8 reps per Wide stance long ab strap […]
The purpose of this log is to show you the final heavy squat day for powerlifer, Crystal Tate as she is now 20 days out from her next meet. Crystal is focused on being only the 2nd female RAW (w/wraps) powerlifter to squat 600LBS in a sanctioned powerlifting meet. Crystal is currently ranked #2 in the squat, deadlift and total,
Video of the Benefits of the Home GHR
Video of the Benefits of the Home GHR
The Home GHR is on sale now through Monday on Elitefts for almost $70 off!
Video of Clint Darden Chaos Benching with the OBB Power Handles
Video of Clint Darden Chaos Benching with the OBB Power Handles
The OBB Power Handles are on sale here on Elitefts for almost $30 off now through Monday!
SWIS Symposium 2015
SWIS Symposium 2015
I was honored to be asked to speak at this amazing event. I've spent the last week just trying to recover from the mental beating I took while there. I am writing a full article on my experience because I really feel like it deserves much more than just a log post. In general I […]
11/20- Single Ply Squats w/video and our 10 year anniversary, 2 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
11/20- Single Ply Squats w/video and our 10 year anniversary, 2 Weeks ou...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Mashed Up Meathead - Leg Training
Mashed Up Meathead - Leg Training
Another one in the books.
Plans For 2016
Plans For 2016
Competing? But I thought you said ...
Become More Relentless With These 5 Tips
Become More Relentless With These 5 Tips
Relentless is the opposite of being content, so drive, strive and push forward. Achieve the objective, set a new one, and repeat. These tips can help pave the way.

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