Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

New website, new brand, & a whole lot of work
New website, new brand, & a whole lot of work
As The Spot Athletics has grown we have gone through many different iterations with our website. First I just set one up using google and my very limited knowledge of how those things work. Then I had a friend put something together that was better, but not great. This time, someone who has a great […]
11/4- Accessory work w/video and my first MRI, 4 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
11/4- Accessory work w/video and my first MRI, 4 Weeks out from the APF ...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Client - Week 14
Client - Week 14
Deload Week: Day 1 - Speed Bench w/ micro mini band - 50-55% 6sets, 3 reps Seated Row - x20reps Machine Leg Curls - x20reps Upper Back Choice - x20reps   Day 2 - Sumo Dead - 75-80%, 2-4 Total reps(2 range) BB Suit Case Holds - 3 sets/side Snatch Shurgs - x20reps   Day 3 - Bench Press - 75-80%, 2-4 […]
I was a Teenage Gym Rat- Part 3
I was a Teenage Gym Rat- Part 3
she was struggling to pull her shorts back up . . .
584x1 from a deficit
584x1 from a deficit
Decided not to do reps and go for a heavy single.
NSCA 2016 Coaches Confernce
NSCA 2016 Coaches Confernce
January 7-9, San Antonio, TX
Training Updated
Training Updated
My training and video explaining what jailhouse strong is
More Old Guy  Shi ... Stuff
More Old Guy Shi ... Stuff
It just doesn't work like it used to but it still needs to get done.
Friday's 9:00 AM Hard Stop & Got Yoke
Friday's 9:00 AM Hard Stop & Got Yoke
Or I have smart people in my gym "S.M.R.T. SMART"!
THursday and Friday
THursday and Friday
Wed and friday-30 mins each day stepmill. Struggle to get that in.   Thursday Reverse Hypers 6x10 Outties 5x12 Hung upside down in rack to loose back and hips for 25 mins or so. THey are jacked for some reason. Probably the never ending plantar fasciitis for 2 months now would be the guess from […]
Squat PR on A Rough Day
Squat PR on A Rough Day
Overcome Today
Some days you have it
Some days you have it
other days you Don't realize you have it.
Mashed Up Meathead - Arm Pump Day
Mashed Up Meathead - Arm Pump Day
The more I use the Angle Grip Bar the more I like it. Plus it's an added bonus when you can do three movements in a row and not have to change the bar or location.
11/3- A rough heavy Bench Day, 4 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
11/3- A rough heavy Bench Day, 4 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winte...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Off-season: Back day
Off-season: Back day
This was a straight back day.... Lots of pulling from all different angles
Ninja Moves
Ninja Moves
A Look in The Mirror?
The Golden Rule of Lifting Weights
The Golden Rule of Lifting Weights
If this is a golden rule of lifting weights - this is it.
Quick Fix: The Squat-Walking It Out
Quick Fix: The Squat-Walking It Out
Walking out the squat is one of the things I see done wrong more often than almost anything else. It drives me crazy because it is the least technical thing about the lift and mistakes here WILL cost you pounds on the platform and can increase the risk of injury.
The Best Time of the Year to Train SALE?
The Best Time of the Year to Train SALE?
You really need to buy something NOW. Christmas is closer than you think

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