Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Admiring a bowling ad, I contemplate the idea of stepping on stage again while describing a solid leg workout
Weightlifting Wonderman
Weightlifting Wonderman
Stevie Ray Vaughan, Warrant, and Waylon
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest and Shoulder Training
Mashed Up Meathead - Chest and Shoulder Training
A Mashed up Meathead Chest and Shoulder training session with a bit more detail to it.
Rising Up to the Challenges of Small School Strength & Conditioning
Rising Up to the Challenges of Small School Strength & Conditioning
How to overcome the two biggest obstacles and avoid the fallacies of small school sports performance
Floor Pressing until the STRAIN happens (again)
Floor Pressing until the STRAIN happens (again)
Someone find out who this floor press girl is.
11/3- Single Ply Deadlifts w/video, 4 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
11/3- Single Ply Deadlifts w/video, 4 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast ...
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Off-season: Shoulders & close grip bench
Off-season: Shoulders & close grip bench
Shoulders are my favorite day... sorry back day, you got bumped. Some push presses, lots of isolation work and some close grip bench too.
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Sunday 45 mins stepmill   Saturday REverse hypers 4x12 Box squat raw worked up to 415x5 Belt squat with pause with close stance 4x12 Belt squat duffin stomps 50 per legx3 REverse hyper 2x12   Monday Standing abs with face pulls 8x10 per Bench speedish 4x3 2 chains, 4x3 3 chains 225x50,185x50,135x50 moving out each […]
Training Today
Training Today
All my workouts have been on point! Here was today Focus mitts on for 45 minutes, working with boxing coach --pronated flys 4 sets of 12 -triceps overhead rope ext 4 sets of 30 seconds GREAT STRETCH  ON ELBOW -lateral raise--rear delt superset 15--15, 12--12, 10--10 Checkout our new training montage video for the Jailhouse […]
Sometimes It's Best To Just...
Sometimes It's Best To Just...
Sit Back and Watch
Training WITH my Wife
Training WITH my Wife
is how we started and is STILL fun.
Smoking a 900lb Squat and 760x5 Conventional Deadlift !!! & Discussing Mental Struggles
Smoking a 900lb Squat and 760x5 Conventional Deadlift !!! & Discussi...
Chris hits some huge lifts this week with ease and also opens up about some struggles with depression.
Off-season: SSB Squats and legs
Off-season: SSB Squats and legs
Safety bar squats... first time in months to give shoulders a little break. Also, pullups for hamstrings??
Off-season: Bench and Back/Arms
Off-season: Bench and Back/Arms
Last few weeks moved to training 5 days a week instead of 6. The extra day started because of schedule/family stuff but seems to be serving me well strength-wise.
Beat Up
Beat Up
Time to cruise again.
First of The Month
First of The Month
Just Yesterday
The purpose of this training log is to take a look at box squatting off of a 15” box, with the rackable cambered bar (with double EliteFTS mini bands) out of the EliteFTS monolift. In addition to the bar causing minimal shoulder stress, it really works to emphasis an entirely different part of the body when squatting. A MUST WATCH
10/30- Single Ply Squats w/video, 5 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
10/30- Single Ply Squats w/video, 5 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Wi...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Some updated gym stuff
Some updated gym stuff
Steve Pulcinella has been passionately strength training since the age of twelve and competing in strength athletics since the age of fourteen. He started as a powerlifter and progressed into Strongman, winning many powerlifting titles in the early eighties and eventually competing in the 1994 World's Strongest Man Contest. He currently coaches at his gym, Iron Sport Gym.
Mashed Up Meathead - Nov 1 -  Leg Traininig
Mashed Up Meathead - Nov 1 - Leg Traininig
... and the leg cramps are back with a vengeance

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