Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Speed or Max Effort Work?
Speed or Max Effort Work?
Black Outs Are Fun!
Powerlifting Sunday
Powerlifting Sunday
With The Ladies
Deficit Deadlift Training
Deficit Deadlift Training
Deficit deadlifts are great for helping with speed off the floor.
Orlando Barbell APF Southern States Meet Full Results
Orlando Barbell APF Southern States Meet Full Results
Thank you again to all of the competitors, spotters, loaders, judges, scorers, and everyone else involved in helping to run yet another successful meet
10/21- Single Ply Bench w/video, 6 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
10/21- Single Ply Bench w/video, 6 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Win...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
10/19- Single Ply Deadlifts w/video, 6 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
10/19- Single Ply Deadlifts w/video, 6 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 plus year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Ok, so ... No More 3xl Shirts For Me
Ok, so ... No More 3xl Shirts For Me
5 weeks to go.
Mashed Up Meathead Friday Back Training
Mashed Up Meathead Friday Back Training
Remember when I posted that my training could change really fast? Here is an example of how this can happen and what I pre-design to deal with it.
Olympic Lifting for Athletic Performance
Olympic Lifting for Athletic Performance
A comprehensive look at Coaching, Cueing, Context, and Carryover with the Olympic lifts along with Positions, Progressions, and Programming for Sports Performance
THursday and Friday
THursday and Friday
Wed 30 mins stepmill   Still wasnt quite ready for anything heavy for lower with AA Roid still hanging around literally. SO light super light lower work Blast strap abs swing outs 5x10 Reverse hypers 4x12 Outtie machine , leg curl and leg extension circuit for 6 rounds Reverse hypers 2x15 to finish Friday Upper […]
The most important thing you will ever do in your life
The most important thing you will ever do in your life
This is the most important thing you will do in your life, but be careful there is some advice that is so simple you don't realize it's value.
10/15- Single Ply Squats w/video, 7 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Winter Bash
10/15- Single Ply Squats w/video, 7 Weeks out from the APF Gulf Coast Wi...
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Weightlifting Friday
Weightlifting Friday
Johnny Cash and Hank Jr
I Was a Teenage Gym Rat- Part 1
I Was a Teenage Gym Rat- Part 1
Our cellar dwellar training became a very competitive and ball busting affair
What Crash Davis Believes in
What Crash Davis Believes in
From Bull Durham
Off-season: Wide bench, high bar squats and baaaack
Off-season: Wide bench, high bar squats and baaaack
Raw training is moving along. Volume is still up a bit and things are moving good. Let's see where the next month takes me.
Chest, Triceps, Training Plan, Girlfriends, Porn & The Best Lunch Ever
Chest, Triceps, Training Plan, Girlfriends, Porn & The Best Lunch Ever
A little life, a little lunch and a little training.
What's Your Education Worth?
What's Your Education Worth?
You give me any excuse in the world, give me a couple minutes, let me search Google. I will find somebody who had to overcome far more shit than you did and is better than you. Excuses are meaningless, we all know that as coaches, trainers, we know it so don't use them because they don't work.

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