Occasionally I like to put into the program "As Many Reps As Possible" or "AMRAP" instead of a prescribed number of reps to obtain. Two things happen: You have to go BALLS OUT! Because the next guy knows what you did and no matter what, he or she wants to kick your ass to claim […]
10/20/2022 Technology Pisses Me Off
I had to rewrite a couple of rules on the board today after yesterday's gfaws. My gym is a Coaching facility. We don't have mirrors or a lot of glitz and amenities. We have weights! A lot of weight. We have three mono lifts, three reverse hypers, a dozen GHRs, five benches, Two power racks, […]
10/19/2022 If You Really Want to Get Strong and Fit...
If you really want to get strong, and conditioned, you have to give away only ONE thing... You're EXCUSES!!! No one cares about your excuses. No one pities you for your procrastination. No one is going to coddle you for your laziness. It's YOUR ASS MOVE IT! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 10 […]
10/18/2022 1N73LL1G3NC3...
1N73LL1GNC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 ~ Stephen Hawkins Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 5 mins steady then 10x15/45 Concept II Row: 5 mins steady then 10x15/45 Max Effort Floor Press: 4 RM Incline DB Fly: 1x100 reps Pick a weight that 100 continuous reps can happen. If you have to put them […]
10/17/2022 Great Things Never Come From Being Comfortable
Think about it! When you are comfortable you tend NOT to move, to destroy that nice feeling. It's not until you are uncomfortable that things begin to move...to happen. One day there was this old man on a porch with his dog. However, this dog was howling..."aaaawoooooohhhh" "aaaawooooaaahhhh" when this fella passing by heard the […]
Operation Be Less Fat - When A Cheat Meal Is Not A Cheat Meal.
I use this strategy to keep myself in check when going out for cheat meals or for special events or holiday meals
10/14/2022 Something to Think About This Weekend...
I am often guilty of writing a post either right here on my Coach's Log or even on Social Media that I need to read and keep reminded of. I was thinking about this one throughout much of the morning and how it would transfer quite well to the entire weekend. So, I'll share it […]
10/13/2022 Raise Your Bodies pH today!
Being a little higher than 7.2 is going to help with recovery and oxygen delivery. You can do it by a number of ways which include but not limited to: Take a sodium bicarbonate supplement, also known as an antacid. Follow an Alkaline Diet Stay Hydrated Manage Underlying Conditions: Diabetes Kidney disease Cancer Liver failure […]
10/12/2022 One of My Favorite Double Talks...
When someone makes a mistake and they utter those famous favorite words when you begin to explain the solution..."I know, I know" I will come back with "To know and not to do, is not to know. Because, IF you really knew you would have done, but you didn't, so in fact, YOU DON'T KNOW". […]
10/11/2022 What I Tell Each of the Athletes That I Train...
Before I turn my athletes over to their respective skill coaches I send them off with an ear full of instructions. The most important one I tell them is to "be that player that other coaches warn their players about!" Now go get 'em! Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 5x200 yds Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 5 mins […]
10/10/2022 At This Stage in My Life...
I'm not sure if it is killing me or if it's making me stronger. I just know that giving up is NOT an option, and if I'm coaching YOU, then it isn't an option for you either!!! Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 10x100 yds Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x40 yds x 90 lbs Dynamic Squat: 2x2x50%; 2x2x55%; […]
My 5K Time
It's an old picture. Go figure, I don't keep lots of running pictures of myself. Maybe if I ran topless...
10/7/2022 The 7 "P's" of Success
I had this on the wall in my gym, many years ago... "Prior proper planning prevents piss-poor performance." Write it. Learn it. Be a part of it. Today's Training: Stretch/Foam Roll: 20 mins Cycle: Commute C/S Row: 2 sets to max reps at 135; 1 set of 1 negative rep at 185 Lat Pulldown: 2 […]
10/6/2022 Not All Competition is Good...
Some of us are in competition with the people God sent us to be on our team. Building people up to be better than you, elevates your own game too. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x80 yds x +20 Good Mornings: 6 RM GHR: 4x11 Reverse Hyper: 4x11 Fwd Stepping Lunge: 4x11 why 11? Why […]