Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

The Final Log Post Of My Internship
The Final Log Post Of My Internship
The final training log post from my stay here at Elitefts.
Some Days are Filled with Thunderbolts
Some Days are Filled with Thunderbolts
others are just nuts and bolts
Off-season: Squats and Bench, re-working technical
Off-season: Squats and Bench, re-working technical
Technical work on both bench and squats is coming along nicely. Foot position on bench feels odd, but at the same time good... and strong! Slow steady process.
585x25 Deadlift for Reps - 780x2 squat - Velocity Metrics
585x25 Deadlift for Reps - 780x2 squat - Velocity Metrics
This week I tested both my work Capacity with a 585x25 deadlift as well as my strength with an easy 780x2 squat. Also included some snapshots of some of the velocity parameters I use to manage training.
4 Basic Laws of Strength Training
4 Basic Laws of Strength Training
This is all pretty basic stuff but important to note just how important this all is to not only physical development but injury prevention as you progress.
Rule #67
Rule #67
Stop Complaining and enjoy Jo Jordan's thumbs up.
Are you a Champ or a Chump?
Are you a Champ or a Chump?
When there is a choice to be made and that choice is one that moves you away from your aim, goal or objective then you are choosing to be a chump - not a champion.
8/18 to 8/25
8/18 to 8/25
Step mill tues 45min, wed 45min, thur 45 mins, sun 1 hour sled, mon 30mins step   8/20 3 laps prowler 8/21 chest supported rows, med mag pulldowns , short mag row x 10 perx8 rounds strive incline press 10s up to 4 plates, 5sx 4.5 plates, 5 platesx1 dropped down to 2 plates and […]
Please Answer These Quick Questions About
Please Answer These Quick Questions About
Quick survey about our website. Thank you for your help with this.
12 Tricks to Help Beginners with Technique
12 Tricks to Help Beginners with Technique
If you are a high school, college, or tactical ops strength coach; there are only a few certainties... and your job security isn't one of them. Unless you are a few of the elite level institutions, those certainties are: 1. You will usually have more athletes than your facility can effectively handle. 2. You will […]
"Sacrificing who we are for the sake of what other people think just isn't worth it."
A long run?  Why?
A long run? Why?
Because for no particular reason, a person should.
8/20- Rep Bench w/videos
8/20- Rep Bench w/videos
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
And ... Down 6 More This Week
And ... Down 6 More This Week
This is a piece of cake... so far.
Mashed Up Meathead Training Week - Aug 16 - 22
Mashed Up Meathead Training Week - Aug 16 - 22
Another week closer and another week in the books.
"Meth addict on Cocaine???"
"Meth addict on Cocaine???"
Coming from Jim Wendler, I'll take that as a compliment
Compound Training
Compound Training
Squats and SQUATS!
750 Deadlift
750 Deadlift
And Floor Presses
8/19- Very little accessory work and the start to my clinical trial.
8/19- Very little accessory work and the start to my clinical trial.
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Nothing thought provoking...Just some killer squat training.
Nothing thought provoking...Just some killer squat training.
even that is so simple this will take you 30 seconds to read. (Lifetime worth of strength gain)

Items 9161 to 9180 of 10198 total