Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

The Gift - Timmy The Personal Trainer
The Gift - Timmy The Personal Trainer
One of the best stories ever told on elitefts.
Weds Always do something fun and different, this week I took my son to "Pump it up" and we both climbed up every single slide and did bounce houses for 90 minutes Thursday Since I nailed my goal with the rows this was kind of a free lance workout--after Tuesday I get my deload, which […]
8/18- Raw Heavy Bench and having to say goodbye to a longtime friend.
8/18- Raw Heavy Bench and having to say goodbye to a longtime friend.
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Getting Naked: Three Fears Coaches Should Eliminate
Getting Naked: Three Fears Coaches Should Eliminate
Vulnerability based trust and losing your inhibitions for becoming a great coach
The Coaching Log includes training footage of an array of movements used to build a BIGGER bench!!!! Check it out!!!!
Mediocre Session at it's blandest
Mediocre Session at it's blandest
For me, it is always better to have a plan BEFORE going to the gym
Off-season: Shoulders, Legs and HIIT fun
Off-season: Shoulders, Legs and HIIT fun
Shoulder day had me crippled, leg day had me deadlifting (and only slightly frustrated) and I killed HIIT day with shorter rest intervals... boom.
Fun with Rule #67
Fun with Rule #67
I have 100's of them and they are all numbered
Top Secret Deadlift Assistance Exercise + TPS Updates
Top Secret Deadlift Assistance Exercise + TPS Updates
So now that we have that over with, let’s talk about the Top Secret Deadlift Assistance Exercise. I call these Koklayev Deadlifts because I learned them from Mischa Koklyaev when he was here for the Russian Strength Seminar with Boris Sheiko.
An off day
An off day
Meanwhile I was smack dab in the middle of percolating cat fight
EliteFTS Road Trip: The Spot Athletics
EliteFTS Road Trip: The Spot Athletics
The Spot Athletics shares some of their champion building secrets.
Squat and Bench Press Adaptations for In-season Training
Squat and Bench Press Adaptations for In-season Training
Two minor adjustments to get your athletes strong, healthy, and NOT sore from training
Today's Training
Another great session!
Entertaining Visitors, Vacation, Training and the Comedy of Life
Entertaining Visitors, Vacation, Training and the Comedy of Life
This week Chris shares an comedic story about 'A Day In the Life'. In addition to his weekly training he also includes several interviews completed over the week with Diet and Kettlebell experts.
Arms, beads, booze and torn bis
Arms, beads, booze and torn bis
When a crass new-money tycoon's membership application is turned down at a snooty athletic club, he retaliates by buying the club and turning it into a tacky amusement park.
Sometimes The Truth Hurts
Sometimes The Truth Hurts
I am sure everyone will agree the day a coach or trainer decides to take payment for their products or services they are no longer a coach, they are now a business owner.
Belt Squats 10 sets of 10--supersetted with 20 leg extensions after 1 set, 6 single leg curls each side after the other in an alternating fashion--nailed my goal weight without much of a problem will use this as more of an assistance exercise--just won't hold more weight if I keep going (also after extensions worked […]
8/6 to 8/17
Cardio work. Back to 6 days a week for now till the end of August. Shed a few pounds and then start off Sept.  Friday 30 mins SM(stepmill), Saturday 30 mins SM, Sunday 1 hour sled, Mon 45 mins SM, Tuesday 30 min SM, Wed 45 min SM, Friday 30 min SM , Sat 20 […]

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