Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Sometimes The Truth Hurts
Sometimes The Truth Hurts
I am sure everyone will agree the day a coach or trainer decides to take payment for their products or services they are no longer a coach, they are now a business owner.
Belt Squats 10 sets of 10--supersetted with 20 leg extensions after 1 set, 6 single leg curls each side after the other in an alternating fashion--nailed my goal weight without much of a problem will use this as more of an assistance exercise--just won't hold more weight if I keep going (also after extensions worked […]
8/6 to 8/17
Cardio work. Back to 6 days a week for now till the end of August. Shed a few pounds and then start off Sept.  Friday 30 mins SM(stepmill), Saturday 30 mins SM, Sunday 1 hour sled, Mon 45 mins SM, Tuesday 30 min SM, Wed 45 min SM, Friday 30 min SM , Sat 20 […]
Squats from today, plus powerlifting & marriage
Squats from today, plus powerlifting & marriage
I was in a wedding this weekend. Here is a list of some of the similarities between powerlifting and marriage.....and a video of squats from today.
Cause and effect
Cause and effect
Ok so the big controversy of the day is how Pittsburgh Steeler James Harrison took his kids "participation trophies" away from them. I know a lot of hippy liberals don't like this and that's because they are all for the pussyfication of America. I agree with James Harrison, winners should be recognized and awarded and […]
Monday and back to normal
Monday and back to normal
Must have been the moon aligning with Mars and Ef'n Venus
Max Effort Cycles in a Team Setting
Max Effort Cycles in a Team Setting
A basic system of the additional volume done after a rep max in a team setting
8/12- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis), 7 weeks out from the RP South Florida Conquest
8/12- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis), 7 weeks out from the RP South Flor...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Off-season: Legs, Back, Bench/Shoulders and Arms
Off-season: Legs, Back, Bench/Shoulders and Arms
Re-working some technical things on squats and bench. Paying off slowly but surely. Frustrating at times, but getting better every week.
8/11- Single Ply Bench w/video, 7 weeks out from the RPS South Florida Conquest
8/11- Single Ply Bench w/video, 7 weeks out from the RPS South Florida C...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
I Respect This.
I Respect This.
Looking back I wish I would have done this with my kids
Tate's Recommended Business Book List
Tate's Recommended Business Book List
What I feel are the best business books and how I use and read them.
Mashed Up Meathead Training Week - Aug 9 - 15th
Mashed Up Meathead Training Week - Aug 9 - 15th
Had I known how this would have worked out I would have backed off 6 months ago.
Wonder what their homes look like?
Wonder what their homes look like?
By the way people leave my gym I'd think they can't find anything at their own homes either.
More solid work
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
In sports performance, especially in the private sector, we often put marketing and self-promotion ahead of what is really important when training athletes.... the athletes.
8/10- Deadlifts w/team video, 7 weeks out from potentially competing in the RPS South Florida Conquest and another attempt at a clinical trial for my ulcerative colitis.
8/10- Deadlifts w/team video, 7 weeks out from potentially competing in ...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Down 10 Pounds In a Week
Down 10 Pounds In a Week
My 14 week Transmogrify Plan to unadulterated sexiness.
It's how we do things in my house
It's how we do things in my house
Even the best of kids sometimes need a hard lesson

Items 9221 to 9240 of 10222 total