The bench arch, my thoughts on it
The bench arch is perfectly fine to do. Arching your back in the bench press is a part of powerlifting.
The Ego Trap: Four Downfalls to Avoid
The longer I have coached, the more I realize how much I still don't know. But, all in all, those mistakes that I have made in the past (and I made a lot of them) gave me the opportunity to learn
This coaching log features two RAW lifters utilizing two different methods to increase their back strength. The training video features Atlas Stone training as well as deadlifting with a 1 1/4" deficit against bands for the purpose of developing over-all back strength. A MUST SEE!!!!
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If you're not talking to Rhonda (Customer Service) you're missing out
They're Called Wrist Wraps-How to Wrap Your Wrists Properly for Big...
As many of you know I am a gear whore, not like Jo Jordan, but a gear whore nonetheless. I want to get the most out of my gear and I want you to as well so here is the problem:
They are called wrist wraps, not forearm wraps.
Off-season: Bench/ Back
Bench day is coming around. Reps are solid. Nothing overly crazy, but my groove and movement pattern are getting fixed. Back and bi day were solid as well. Bodyweight steady but mass has been gained.
Perspective on programming, 3 simple rules you can't violate
3 simple rules that trump any kind of program.
Lifting Big and Hosting Stuart McGill at EPC for a great week
Over the weekend I hosted Dr Stuart McGill at EPC along with about 150 clinicians as audience. It was a great learning experience as well as affirmation in seeing a ton of science behind the methods I teach based on what’s worked for me and those I train. I also of course got some excellent training in
A retired elite Black Ops Commando launches a one man war against a group of South American dumbell manufacturers who have kidnapped his favorite dumbell to blackmail him into starting a revolution and getting an exiled dictator back into power.
How I Qualified for the 2013 Strongman Nationals with a Broken Hand
Mark Watts is the NSCA Ohio State Director and serves as an adjust professor in the College of Professional and Applied Studies at Urbana University. He has a Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education. Mark has worked with athletes from 20 different sports at Division I, II, and III levels for
5 Things You MUST Do When You Go To The Gym
This is my real life - no BS list of things you MUST do.
Overreaching During My Last Two Weeks
Overreaching, new light shed on training, and my internship slowly coming to a close.
Off-season: Arms, Back, & Legs video
Update on arms, back and legs... starting to get into more strength work. While it seems slow, I know my joints are keeping up with the increased heavier work. Bench and squat volume has been moderate, working into heavier 6's and will build more in the coming months.