Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Troubleshooting the Olympic Lifts for Athletes: 7 Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Troubleshooting the Olympic Lifts for Athletes: 7 Common Mistakes and Ho...
Strength Coaches for team sports are not coaching Olympic Weightlifters. They are utilizing Olympic lifts for physical preparation of their athletes to succeed in their sports. Here are a few ways to "fix" technique issues on the platform in a team setting.
Dynamic Bench
Dynamic Bench
Must reads
Deadlifting 405 every second on the second, 405 High Pulls, Ryan Kennelly Interview - July Wk5
Deadlifting 405 every second on the second, 405 High Pulls, Ryan Kennell...
Hit some very fast and explosive deadlift this last week even after my daily training regimen hitting the glutes, hams, and quads. I also had the pleasure of working with Ryan Kennelly (aka Benchmonster) and his girlfriend fixing some movement issues and getting a fantastic interview in.
Friday, Saturday and Tuesday
All stepmill - Saturday 30 mins, Sunday 45mins, Monday 45mins, Wednesday 45mins Friday -MAG medium Bar pulldowns 8x8 -MAG wide grip pushups off suspension straps 8x10 -MAG  close grip lying tricep extension 8x10 - KB Arm bars 3 per side working up to 20kg Saturday -REverse hypers 3x12 -Used new hooker grip straps with various […]
And there is days that this happens . . .
And there is days that this happens . . .
He didn't just walk through the doors of the gym that day, he ripped the fuckers off the hinges!
Irwin Sperwiliger (Justin Harris) is an ace reporter. While working on a story on incredibly handsome ex-bodybuilders training chest, he is approached by Milton Stanwyck who wants Irwin to murder him to save him from a lingering cancer death. Irwin begins to nose around and finds irregularities in Stanwyck's past and Underhill's Visa Number.
A bumbling government employee thinks he is a U.S. spies on a back workout mission, only to discover that he's actually a decoy for Nuclear War.
Off-season: Legs, Shoulders and weird guy at the gym
Off-season: Legs, Shoulders and weird guy at the gym
Apparently I'm the only Libra girl out there who likes lifting weights. More challenges with creepy gym guys.
Coaching Elite Level Powerlifter Perry Ellis Jr.
Coaching Elite Level Powerlifter Perry Ellis Jr.
Today I'm working with elite powerlifter Perry Ellis Jr. He's getting ready for the upcoming Boss of Bosses meet (3 weeks away). Watch as I take him through his last heavy squat session. We go up to a heavy single with reverse bands, take a down set for a triple, do pause squats, and good […]
Dips and accessory work
Dips and accessory work
My stretching therapist really wants me to focus on doing dips, to increase elbow flexion--did that today and had an excellent session! No where near a normal person BUT best its been since 2008 ish Here was the workout Dips (1 and 1/4 reps) Meaning I go all the way down, come up a 1/4 […]
The Difference Between Training Males Vs. Females
The Difference Between Training Males Vs. Females
Should you really train your female athletes differently than males? The answer depends more on training age, readiness, and needs analysis than it does gender.
Stevey P is back!
Stevey P is back!
I'll even give you some Stevey P personal updates
Damnnamic Squat and how to Clean Up
Damnnamic Squat and how to Clean Up
Everyone needs a little time at the Ocean
Training with drug dealers, porn stars, lawyers, teachers, business owners and ex-cons
Training with drug dealers, porn stars, lawyers, teachers, business owne...
Law #38 from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene   Think as you like, but behave like others.   If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will […]
Squat and Bench!
Squat and Bench!
Brian King Comes To Town!
Deadlift 650 x 3
Deadlift 650 x 3
July 23 Intensity Cranked
7/31- Raw rep/stability bench, 9 Weeks out from the RPS South Florida Conquest, a trip to the beach and some reflection on life.
7/31- Raw rep/stability bench, 9 Weeks out from the RPS South Florida Co...
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of high intensity/low volume training along with displaying the equipment I’ve designed to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Todays Workout
Todays Workout
Today's workout was a ball buster. My youngest son and wife both have strep throat, so I brought my two year old to the gym with me.  Needless to say he loved it! Here is the workout Belt Squats 10 sets of 10--supersetted with 20 leg extensions after 1 set, 6 single leg curls each […]
High Pulls Vs Cleans
High Pulls Vs Cleans
Should coaches incorporate high pulls, cleans, or both to develop explosive power for athletes? The answer depends on your situation, but there is one scenario to avoid.
Off-season: Arms, Bench, Travel woes and a snowball from heaven
Off-season: Arms, Bench, Travel woes and a snowball from heaven
A few days off from training due to travel... and a few days off from eating on plan too. BUT... had an amazing time with people I don't get to see often.

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