Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

And America Squats!
Set Your Objectives High And To Yourself
Set Your Objectives High And To Yourself
You can't know where you're going without having a great vision. But consider this: your goals can limit you.
Another Washed Up Meathead Training Week
Another Washed Up Meathead Training Week
Another week of Mashed Up Meathead Training
Steven Segal was Hard to Kill, I Am Not
Steven Segal was Hard to Kill, I Am Not
I get up at the same time every day, I go and eat breakfast with the same bunch of guys every day, I go to work and have a routine. I go home at the end of the day and repeat it all the next day. It works for me so if you were trying to kill me I am an
The third level of commitment.
It is the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a lone man must bench with bands to defend his town, and his country, from invading Soviet forces.
As bodybuilders at the United States Navy's elite fighter weapons school compete to be best in the class, one daring young squatter learns a few things from a civilian instructor that are not taught in the weight room.
7/8- Accessory Work
7/8- Accessory Work
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of low volume/high intensity training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
Off-season: Back and Bi's & progress pics 1 month post show
Off-season: Back and Bi's & progress pics 1 month post show
Training volume is up. Food is up. Carbs are up. Seem to be moving in the right direction. Today a little old school back and bi work. But nothing old school about pullups every 20 seconds.
7/7- Heavyish Bench
7/7- Heavyish Bench
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of low volume/high intensity training along with displaying the equipment I design to help benefit lifters such as yourself.
The OBB Power Handles are now available here on EliteFTS!!!
The OBB Power Handles are now available here on EliteFTS!!!
After years of powerlifting my shoulders have become increasingly tight. At Orlando Barbell we have the option of using specialty bars to train with to reduce the stress that accompanies using a straight bar to squat. I realize that not everyone has this luxury, especially if they’re training on a budget or are training at a home or a commercial
Nifty upper body accessory crank
Nifty upper body accessory crank
25x2 sounds easy until set #17
Benching With Giants!
Benching With Giants!
500 lb Bench Press PR!
What day is it?  What time zone am I on?  Some Beach; somewhere.
What day is it? What time zone am I on? Some Beach; somewhere.
"There's a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair Palm trees are growing and a warm breeze is blowing"
Training During Independence Day Weekend
Training During Independence Day Weekend
A heavier testing week of training before the next phase begins.
High volume training - & PT1 the role of the Coach in motivating the athlete
High volume training - & PT1 the role of the Coach in motivating the...
This week I share my thoughts on the coaches role in identifying the type of person they are coaching and tailor their approach to their needs. Training is summarized and some pictures at the beach.
Off-season: Legs- high rep squats and ton o' leg press
Off-season: Legs- high rep squats and ton o' leg press
Holy legs. 20 reps on squats is unheard of for me. With a weight that I didn't know I could handle for 20. My raw squat is being revamped, playing around with bar position and where I feel strongest. Today was a good day.
The Scale Says 240
The Scale Says 240
I can't ask for things to be going any better at this point.
What the heck are they teaching
What the heck are they teaching
at the OTC and other major college sports programs?

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