Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Watch, Listen, Learn and Apply  #2
Watch, Listen, Learn and Apply #2
Can making your bed everyday can help change the world?
Washed Up Meathead Leg Day
Washed Up Meathead Leg Day
Leg day training and no missed reps on the bench press while one guy smashed someone's face in the ground.
6/17- Accessory Day
6/17- Accessory Day
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of low volume/high intensity training.
6/16- Raw Heavy Bench
6/16- Raw Heavy Bench
The purpose of this coaching log is to explain M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of low volume/high intensity training.
How To Get The Smell Of Dog Crap Off Yourself
How To Get The Smell Of Dog Crap Off Yourself
The school bell rang, marking the end of another day. I grabbed my jacket and lunch pail and found my usual spot in the back of the line. Released from our daily educational grind, I exited the back door with the rest of the kids never expecting what was about to happen.
The purpose of this log is to show you one of the top ranked women’s RAW powerlifters as she is a little over a month out from her next meet training her squat and deadlift.
A profound lesson from an 11 year old.
A profound lesson from an 11 year old.
We all could learn a lot from Matti about avoiding judging and stereotyping. Be happy with who you are and don’t worry about what other people are doing. Their journey is their own and has no effect on you.
For Uggs
For Uggs
I am flattered and humbled.
6/15- Raw Deadlifts w/video
6/15- Raw Deadlifts w/video
The purpose of this coaching log is to demonstrate the M2 Training Method through the experiences of my training partners and I (as a 20 year veteran in the sport) to show the benefits of low volume/high intensity training.
Post-show training: Monday Legs & Shoulders
Post-show training: Monday Legs & Shoulders
First training session back after stepping on stage. Delicious food was had after the show, but gotta get back on the plan.
Small ROM for Chest Training with Dave Tate
Small ROM for Chest Training with Dave Tate
The Sunday sessions always have a different feel to them. They are a little slower and much more intently focused.
I have a neck like John Cena
I have a neck like John Cena
Ergo...I must be John Cena hahahahahaha
Back training
Back training
Down on his luck and working in a Mexican restaurant in Australia, a former mid-level bodybuilder is hired by a icy heiress to pose as an obnoxious new boyfriend in an attempt to make her father accept her current boyfriend.
Chest and Shoulders
Chest and Shoulders
Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two friendly ghosts. thirty six-year-old Justin loses all of his man-strength when he gets a fright and uses the potion to get his jack back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit hairy
4 Types of Coaches
4 Types of Coaches
I believe there are 4 different types of coaches and trainers. I just made this up, so I am sue there are some discrepancies to the logic.
(DCCB) Week 2 - Day 3
(DCCB) Week 2 - Day 3
Squat - 5x3 @ RPE 7, 2x3 @ RPE 8   Just warmed up on the squat and did only that. Again, keeping things straight forward for now and getting back into it. Squat went better this week then last with numbers. Strength is better than what I expected but core strength is miserable right now. […]
EliteFTS Road Trip: Showtime Strength & Performance
EliteFTS Road Trip: Showtime Strength & Performance
Interns Codi Casper, Andy Hingsbergen, Andrew Triana, and Hunter Winans interview Nick Showman at Showtime Strength & Performance.
Rehab going well, training updated
OH NO! I did it again + Free Training Template
OH NO! I did it again + Free Training Template
The session went really well, I was toast after and I started on my recovery work. It’s pretty standard for me. Roll, stretch, dip, eat.
Just some words to live by
Just some words to live by
I don't have any idea. When asked "whatchathinking?" I can honestly say..."NOTHING"

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