8/10/2022 Growth is...
Growth is growth no matter how small the improvement was. Remember what Nelson Mandela said, "It always seems impossible until it is done." Today's Training: Pop Your Heart Wed. Cycle: Commute; 28 mins Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Ab Wheel: 4x12 Decline Sit-ups: 4x12 Prowler: 10x80 yds. Sprints: 10x40 yds Concept II Row for Time: […]
Overtrained, How I Knew And What I Did
You get to a point that no motter how much time you spend on recovery, eating well, sleep, etc. your body just needs a break.
8/9/2022 Pinky Down and Stretch The Lats
Again, we focused on the grip of the pinky and the ring finger in order to improve our overall grip strength. The pinky and thumb pressed together are still the weakest link in the upper body. Improving the pressure the pinky and ring finger exert will only make the exercises that require a good grip, […]
8/8/2022 Move Big Weight!
We didn't do a lot of exercises, nor did we load up on many accessory and supplemental exercises. We didn't move at a fast frantic pace, but what we did was move a shit ton of weight doing to of the BIG THREE! People on the way out of the gym today were saying already […]
8/5/2022 Use Your Pinky!!!
Like many of the coaches here at EliteFTS, I preach "Grip the bar tighter than you think is necessary" to help build the tension needed for the big lifts. However, I still witness various types of limp grip'n. So today I got on most of the lifters about increasing the grip if not the entire […]
8/4/2022 Be More Like Ray in EVERYTHING You Do...
There were no extras today. I had to "hard stop" the training because my Vanborgini needed some repair. The dashboard lit up like downtown during the Christmas season and I have to take care of her because she was worth it. Going on 200,000 miles and just a little younger than my son who is […]
8/3/2022 “I hated every minute..."
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” —Muhammad Ali Today's Training: Cycle: Commute; 27 mins Suspended Knees 2 Elbow: 4x12 Ab Wheel: 4x12 Crunch: 125 reps KB Swings: 8x40 Prowler: 10x80 yds. Concept II Rowing Erg.: 2500 meters for […]
Training For Hypertrophy
I feel like Michael in Godfather 3 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." hey iTs powerlifting and it's time we break up for a while.
Cardio One Day Per Week
Yeah, you read that correctly. I know I have said that I don't do cardio, but I have changed my stance just a little bit and decided to do one day of cardio per week. The reasons aren't as obvious as you might think, though, so I want to expound. Get Leaner Obviously, I want […]
8/2/2022 The Weight Room is a Microcosm of Sport.
The weight room is a microcosm of sport, and sports are a microcosm of society. WHAT? Is Harry going off on another mind trip? Not really. Think about it. What I see in an athlete in the weight room tends to transfer over into the sport the athlete is about to play. If I see […]
8/1/2022 If You Can't Grip it, You Can't Lift It
One thing I go apeshit over is a weak grip. I find people who shake my hand with a soft grip and a limp wrist deserve to have their arm torn off and beat'n with it over their head. The Grip is the first thing you establish when meeting another person. When I shake hands, […]
Fingal's Fingers: New Favorite Event
A few months ago my training partner was looking to compete at a contest in Germany and they were having a Fingal's Fingers event as part of the contest. I knew that we couldn't really set it up like they would have it because every Finger is different and I just simply could not justify […]
7/29/2022 (already?) 1000 rep Arm Routine
Yep, it's that time of the month again. Time to get tickets to the "Gun Show". After all, it is our Second Amendment Right! My morning run takes me through a park behind my house. The park is a lushly landscaped place that is very well maintained. Beautiful trees and bushes abound everywhere with the […]
The Two Fastest Ways to Improve Your Grip Strength
A strong grip is important. It’s your weakest link.
7/28/2022 SSB Yoke Bar Squat
I love using the SSB Yoke bar. The design of it and where it sits on the shoulders makes for a bit more back extension and thus incorporates more muscle so when you go back to the straight bar you keep better technique by keeping the chest up, and the thoracic extended. The issue with […]
7/27/2022 Mental Toughness is a Lifestyle
Physical strength measures what you CAN do. Mental strength measures whether you actually do it. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute: 27 minutes Versa Climber: 10x50 sprint steps Ab Wheel: 2x20 Kettlebell Side Flex Bends: 2x20x heavy Flutter kicks: 4x25 OHP: 4x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Front Raise: 4x10 Cycle: Commute: 30 mins. I went the long […]