Updating my training from Wafflehouse and a huge squat
Things continue on the up and up..............
Physique Prep- Bench/chest and shoulders
Bench day... woot! Love some volume pressing. Shoulders get a tad swole. Stress takes a little toll but the goal is to stay focused, and take one day at a time... training, diet and life.
Physique Prep- Legs, legs, back and more legs
Legs, legs and more legs. Love leg day. It's tough, challenging and really requires some mental fortitude. Just what I need as of lately.
The value of high volume training explained
High volume training has its place as does backing off and lowering the volume. So why would you add high volume work into your training cycle?
VOLUME, VOLUME, VOLUME: Filling in the RAW gaps for a SHIRTED bench (VID...
The purpose of this log is to illustrate the sheer amount of volume that a world caliber lifter puts into a training session to help him/her prepare for that one max effort press in a meet. Training RAW (for the shirted bencher) helps fill in the gaps that can be exposed as a shirt, in addition to allowing you to
Physique Prep- Shoulders and Arms
Saturday, another training day on the road, but getting it done just as hard. Shoulders, a little bench work and some arms. Good day, sun was out. ready to rock.
Physique Prep- Friday back, deads and legz at Elitefts Compound
Trained at the compound on Friday for some legs, deads and back work. Always good to be with friends in an awesome environment. Never gets old.
3 Reasons Athletes Are Different Today
Strength coaches already have many different cultures they need to immerse themselves in. Athletes today don't just do what you tell them do to do. They want to know why they are doing it.