Physique Prep- Pic updates, diet, cardio
Cardio, pics and diet update. More diet updates will come as we start to get into the groove a little more.
Tons going on but life is great!
Life get's crazy sometimes. This post will catch you up and lay out the goals for the next few months. It will be an interesting ride.
Physique Prep- High volume legs & upper back
Leg day... bunch of high volume work - squats, more squats, stiff leg deads, rows and pulldowns.
Squatting & Deadlifting 875, talking with Pavel, & wrapping up v...
I worked up to an 875 Squat and Deadlift attempt and spent some time with Pavel Tsatsouline this week. Beginning to ramp up my intensity while bringing my volume down in preparation for a deload of both in the coming weeks. The end goal will be a strength level test at the end of this cycle.
Week 8 post surgery update March 30 - April 4
Week 8 post surgery training went well. Deadlift off blocks felt great.
Physique Prep- Saturday Shoulders/ Arms
Prep training is officially under way!! Excited for the change of pace... and being less fluffy and more jacked and tan. 10 weeks out!!
The nuances alone of speed vs max effort bench are enough to fill a book (and have) and thus that is a topic for a different day. The point of this log is for you to be able to visually see, via their training footage, the striking differences between the SPEED and MAX EFFORT methods, but noting as well, the
The Three Ds to Do and the One D to Avoid
(Direction + Deadlines + Delegation) - Dissension = A Dominant Organization
Relentless: The Lifting (and the chalk dilemma)
I'm not perfect. My training isn't perfect. My kids, my job, nothing in life is perfect. But meet day, I did the best I could to come as close to perfection as I could.
Coaching Log SUPPLEMENTAL: Essential Knee Wrap Tutorial (VIDEO Included)
The purpose of this Coaching Log is to demonstrate, first step by step with bullet point explanation, how to do a “basic” knee wrap. Second, a demonstration of that same method, but in an actual setting where we wrap WPC World Champion Steve Brock for his 960LB squat attempt. There are a few variations to wrapping knees, and this