Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Switching From Running To Rucking Has Been A Huge Success
Switching From Running To Rucking Has Been A Huge Success
Conditioning has become a huge part of my life. For years I was running 12-15 miles a week. This year I switched to rucking instead.
10.30.2024  Do You Want to Stand Out?
10.30.2024 Do You Want to Stand Out?
I bet you are waiting for something big to be said. Nope, it's not that hard to understand. If you truly want to stand out, do what they won't do. That's it! It's easy enough in theory, but to put it into a simpler term, "Put the work in." See, here's the difference maker: No […]
10.29.2024 Last Month vs. This Month
10.29.2024 Last Month vs. This Month
I've been keeping a record of attendance at my gym over the month. Here's the interesting fact: The people who show up daily have improved 100% more than those who didn't. OK, so let me hear your excuses. (although they're useless) Today's Training: Cycle Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Ab Flex: 3x12 using the 45-degree back […]
10.28.2024. Yuma Sets and Clusters
10.28.2024. Yuma Sets and Clusters
I noticed that I have two different rep/set/speed sets and they need to be defined The Yuma Set is named after the movie 3:10 Out of Yuma. It consists of three super slow reps, with a focus on posture and body position. Followed immediately with 10 reps to pump new blood into the muscle. The […]
10.26.2024. Don't Try This At Home...
10.26.2024. Don't Try This At Home...
I've been going through a few personal "health" issues (no, I'm not going to die)that I've had to address over the last month and change. First I had to have a type of Ganglion Cyst removed from the top of my foot. This required surgery and I had to be put out for them to […]
As a reminder, a target group of people and I are experimenting with an idea I had just before I left for vacation. Doing a "3-10" set means doing three super slow reps emphasizing postures and technique of accessory and supplemental type exercises immediately followed by 10 reps to "pump" blood into the same muscle. […]
Operation Be Less Fat - The Number On The Scale Should Not Be Your Focus
Operation Be Less Fat - The Number On The Scale Should Not Be Your Focus
If you want to lose weight, your focus should not be the number you see on the scale. I have learned this many times while losing 130 lbs.
10.17.2024. Off The Grid
10.17.2024. Off The Grid
It's that time again!!! I'll be off the grid for about a week or so. I'm heading to a tropical island that has my name written on it. "I've got my ass in the water, toes in the sand..." So Aloha, bitches. Today's Training: Cycle I changed things up a bit because our bodies have […]
10.16.2024  Ambition and Disciplined Work Ethic
10.16.2024 Ambition and Disciplined Work Ethic
Without ambition, no one starts anything. Without being disciplined and having a great work ethic one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You MUST EARN IT! Ambition serves as the driving force behind initiating action and accomplishing goals. However, it is diligent effort and perseverance that ultimately lead to success. Rewards […]
10/15/2024  Silence Can't Be Misquoted
10/15/2024 Silence Can't Be Misquoted
Sometimes the best response is to say nothing at all. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: "V" Bar Low Cable Row: 4x15 Lat Pulldown: 4x15 Standing Single Arm Cable Row: 4x15. Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x10 Dips: 4x12 Hammer Curl: 4x10
10.14.2024  Sharks vs. Minnows
10.14.2024 Sharks vs. Minnows
I'm not sure what was in the air today but the normal attendance in my gym was almost as if it were Christmas Day. I didn't know that Columbus Day meant to take it off. AND...AND!!!! Those that were in the gym were the walking Zombies. I even had one of my tougher lifters pull […]
Programming My 5/3/1 Conditioning Block
Programming My 5/3/1 Conditioning Block
With my strength goals behind me for the year Testing Day Results it's time to go after my annual conditioning goal, beating last year's mile time. 
10.12.2024  Extra Saturday Work
10.12.2024 Extra Saturday Work
Why? Because I like to train. Should I? Probably not, but hey, it works for me and that's good enough for me to wrap my head around. On any given Saturday (or a rare Sunday but not both) I'll invite a small group of my lifters to come in early and get a Max Effort […]
10.11.2024  She Said She "Missed Me"
10.11.2024 She Said She "Missed Me"
Normally speaking that would be a good thing. However, she was reloading... Have a GREAT Friday! ahahahahaha Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Lat Pulldown: 4x12 Wide Bar Low Cable Row: 4x12 Pullover: 4x12 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 Cable Preacher Curl: 4x12 BB Skull Crusher: 4x12 Reverse Grip BB Curl: 4x12 Overhead Tricep Extension: 4x12 Cycle
10.10.2024. Don't Quit!!!
10.10.2024. Don't Quit!!!
This one hit home a bit differently today... Don't Quit by Edgar Allen Guest When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,when the funds are low and the debts are high,and you want to smile but you have to sigh,when care is pressing you down a bit - […]
10.9.2024  Nothing but the Training...
10.9.2024 Nothing but the Training...
Today's Training: Warm-up: GHR: 5x10. I didn't think I'd be able to do these with a rehab boot on. Guess what? NO ISSUE whatsoever. Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Deadlift: 10x1
Old Man Conjugate: How to Warm Up
Old Man Conjugate: How to Warm Up
It’s not complicated.
10.8.2024 Don't Blame Clowns for Acting Like a Clown...
10.8.2024 Don't Blame Clowns for Acting Like a Clown...
Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus. Today's Training: Warm-up: Low Cable Row w/ wide bar: 4x8x heavy Lat Pulldown w/ wide bar: 4x8x heavy Cable Pullover: 4x8 Duo-semmetrical/ Poly-contractile single arm cable row: 4x8 Skull Crusher: 4x15 Close Grip Bench: 4x15 Cable Pushdown: 4x15 DB Hammer Curl: 4x15 EZ Curl Bar Curls: […]

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