Building A Bigger Back
Trying to build lats so maybe someday I can fly. Maybe not, but I have to write something in here. In this post I do show (in detail) how I like to do the reverse lat pulldown.
Meet Training Session SSB Box Squats, Foam Pad Box Squats, Deadlift Ligh...
This coaching log covers three vastly different powerlifters as they work through a meet-prep training session. Movements include SSB box squats with average bands, box squats off a box and foam pad, speed pulls against light bands and straight weight deadlifts. Three lifters for you to compare and contrast as methods and body type are different.
My Personal Opinion on Coaching the Powerlifts
Not just learn the lifts, MASTER the lifts according to the mechanics of their body.
Bench - TWO HUNDO and some 4 board work (videos)
200 bench is always hit or miss for me. I can usually hit it pretty solid 2-3 times a year. It's a number i want to be consistent, but just not there yet. Today, was a good day. Two Hundo in the books again.
Why Football May Be the Best Sport to Teach Life Lessons for Young Men
I also believe the game of football teaches certain lessons better than any other sport.
It feels like I'm always either eating, eating, or eating--and often all three at the same time.
Another day at The Spot Athletics
Lots going on with life, business and training. Read about the changes and see a video from our staff training time yesterday.
The RPS Lancaster PA meet story
Her failure as a lifter is actually my failure as a coach because I never told her what hitching a deadlift was and that it was not legal.
Squats- rep work, suspended GM and quad work
No true max effort work today since this past Monday was basically a max double-banded squat and Monday is another double banded squat session with percents based off last Monday.