RMU Strength & Speed Clinic Short Recap
LiveStream Presentations for the Strength & Speed Clinic at Robert Morris University
In-season Training Without a Weightroom for Soccer Players
Strength Training is one of the most important aspects of overall conditioning for soccer players. Two of the main goals for implementing a strength training program for soccer is to enhance the athletic performance of the athlete and reduce the injury potential for those athletes.
Chest Training Sunday & What To Do If You Can't Train
Chest training session and what to do & and how to train when you really don't have the time.
Why You May be Making your Assistant Coaches Worse
The problem with so many internships, part-time positions, and even full-time assistant positions is the experience does not match the hours committed.
Motivation and Motor Learning
Nick Winkleman refers to the Self-Determination Theory, otherwise referred to the Macrotheory of Motivation.
The Golden Circle: The what, the how, and the why.
Basically imagine 3 circles with the smallest on labeled "why" inside of a larger one labeled "how", inside of the largest one labeled "what".
Strongest Man Alive 1998: Atlas Stones Video
Strongman competitor and online training coach, Darden has represented both the USA and Cyprus in international competition. Experienced in both strongman, powerlifting, martial arts and Olympic lifts, his article and video instruction has helped hundreds of lifters reach their goals.
What is a Coach Responsible For?
Coaching someone that is paying you to coach them is different than you being assigned to them. The motivation is different.
A lesson on using straps (video)...
Ladewski is an elite-level powerlifter, a physique competitor, a mother, wife, and strength coach. Recently earning Best Lifter at Relentless Detroit, she now preps for Relentless Minnesota to compete in the 123-pound class.
Life Changes & Deadlifts
A personal life as intriguing as his superhuman strength, Chris Duffin’s training log tells the story of a man so dedicated to his craft that he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals — and he always does. Duffin squatted a raw world-record 881 in October and only a month after, in November, won a GPA World Championship.
My First (and maybe last) Olympic Lifting Meet
One thing all strength athletes will agree is there is nothing like competition. Choosing, committing to, and preparing for a meet is what separates competitive lifters versus people who just lift weights.
Legs with Kroc
Hit the streets in Matt's camaro again...I took a video of him smoking out the neighborhood...I'm sure he'll post it online somewhere
Updated Workouts
Life is good, stoked about second son being born on Nov 4th.........here are updated workouts
UGSS and training since
I am training to compete. I qualified for WPC worlds in November in Bench & Deadlift. My meet prep will start 10 weeks out but until then I am trying to survive moving my business, preparing to have a new baby, finding a new house(to make room for the new baby) & dealing with a host of other issues that