Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Sheena...I DID IT!!!
Sheena...I DID IT!!!
As for training today...yes it took place. Lots of Dynamic Upper body stuff along with a crap ton of conditioning
Client Spotlight: Jess
Client Spotlight: Jess
"It was then that I knew I had to do this. I needed to be the person I was pumping my daughter up to be." My client, military wife and mom of 5, steps out of her comfort zone.
My Son Turns 7
My Son Turns 7
Birthday parties are amazing, till a village shows up!
Weightlifting and Squat PR : Jan 23
Weightlifting and Squat PR : Jan 23
Weightlifting: Sticking to my plan...OF A PR SQUAT!
Log Updated
Log Updated
Was out in California for a week--did a seminar with Fred Hatfield & had some other business to attend to BUT had some great training sessions.
Getting Leaner, Stronger, and Helping Others - 2015wk3
Getting Leaner, Stronger, and Helping Others - 2015wk3
Leaning up, staying strong, and a trip to Vegas
Tuesday and some fun
Tuesday and some fun
Tuesday and some fun.....
Diet Update... More Food! (pics)
Diet Update... More Food! (pics)
Closing in on a month of my off-season diet, these pics show me harder and fuller with more food and PR's! site hits puberty! site hits puberty!
I love the look of the new site. I know what a tremendous undertaking this project has been and although it will take a while for me to get used to the new procedures, the outcome is well worth it.
Weekly Coaching Moment: Hip Impingement Relief, Hip Stability, & Lat Engagement
Weekly Coaching Moment: Hip Impingement Relief, Hip Stability, & Lat...
Attention to these three areas, improve Chavarha's squat immediately.
A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
Question is, can high school athletes train in an in-season template and still develop physically for all the sports played? The answer is absolutely, IF it is set up correctly.
Slow it Down, Back it Down
Slow it Down, Back it Down
Three things I learned from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference
The Medicine Ball Clean
The Medicine Ball Clean
If you want to do medicine ball cleans (as dumb as they are) then by all means, go for it. But, don't thin for one minute they will help your barbell cleans.
How to Get the Most out of Conferences and Clinics
How to Get the Most out of Conferences and Clinics
If you feel you no longer can learn anything from anyone else when it comes to strength & conditioning, then this may not apply.
2014 Year in Review
2014 Year in Review
Some of the events that happened over the last 12 months
The Strength & Conditioning Resume, Cover Letter, and LOR
The Strength & Conditioning Resume, Cover Letter, and LOR
No one has ever been hired on just their resume. But, a poor resume will cripple a potentially good coaches chances of getting their foot in the door.
5 Mistakes I Made as a Strength Coach
5 Mistakes I Made as a Strength Coach
There are a lot of mistakes I made as a strength coach and hopefully some of this resonates with you and make give you some insight.
WATCH: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
WATCH: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
Presentation from the NSCA Northern Florida State Clinic on May 10, 2014
Why the Duel Role Strength & Conditioning Coach Dosen't Work
Why the Duel Role Strength & Conditioning Coach Dosen't Work
No wonder getting a job as a strength & conditioning coach is one of the biggest challenge of any job market.

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