Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

7/12/2022  Accept pain with a smiling face.
7/12/2022 Accept pain with a smiling face.
There is a major difference between pain and injury. When you get injured, THAT pain reminds you NOT to do something. It needs to be acknowledged and dealt with the quicker the better. However, we need to accept the PAIN of exercise or a task that isn't an injury and not let it bother us. […]
7/11/2022   There are just 3 choices available.
7/11/2022 There are just 3 choices available.
"There are just 3 choices available to you: Either give up, give in, or give all that you have got." After 6 weeks of "Fat Grip" training, we went back to the normal grip and stuck with the double overhand. EVERYONE hit bigger numbers and was PISSED when their grips finally failed them. No one […]
7/8/2022  K.I.S.S.
7/8/2022 K.I.S.S.
Yes, it means "Keep It Simple Stupid" and we have all heard it time and time again and yet I see trainer after trainer, or dare they call themself "Coach" after "Coach" looking to make their nitch in the Strength and Conditioning field make up some bullshit combo exercise and put it on Social Media […]
5 Things You Can Do for a Bigger Squat and Deadlift.
5 Things You Can Do for a Bigger Squat and Deadlift.
My Top 5 List of Things with videos.
7/7/2022  If you are not comfortable, get accustomed to it.
7/7/2022 If you are not comfortable, get accustomed to it.
I don't think I have ever NOT felt some sort of ache or pain since I began playing sports as a nine-year-old up until even today. Seriously, not a day has gone by that I haven't gotten out of bed and gone into the bathroom without a hitch in my giddy-up. I've grown so accustomed […]
7/6/2022  Are you one of those people who are thinking of quitting?
7/6/2022 Are you one of those people who are thinking of quitting?
Because the 4th of July was on a Monday some folks took Tuesday off because of whatever excuse they gave me. (I shut down when it starts to sound like one) Because we have another four-day week, I need to cram all of our five-day training into it. That makes Wednesday a great day to […]
4/5/2022  Is there anyone who likes to give up?
4/5/2022 Is there anyone who likes to give up?
This one will test that. When it hurts (and it will) do you quit like most will, or will you fight through the discomfort and meet the objective? This is that time to bump your capacity to endure by 5%. That's it! Go 5% harder Today's Training: Cycle: 29 mins Face Pulls: 5x20 Pullaparts: 5x20 […]
I am taking off tomorrow the 1st of July as well as Monday the 4th, so I squashed 5 days into four. "Super Legs" always leaves a mark. I don't care who you are, this combo even without the weight of a bar is going to give the delayed onset of muscle soreness because of […]
Why I Don't Like Training Partners
Why I Don't Like Training Partners
For the most part, I don't like training partners. It is just too hard to find that perfect fit.
6/29/2022  To Do Great Things
6/29/2022 To Do Great Things
Never has anything worth a while been accomplished from a comfortable position. We have to become uncomfortable in order to do great things and that is where the issue is. MOST people don't like being uncomfortable. Once they feel the pain of anything they tend to pull the plug on the task. I take a […]
6/28/2022  Nothing but The Training...
6/28/2022 Nothing but The Training...
Today's Training: Cycle: 27 mins. Prowler: 10x80 yds AirDyne: 15x15/45 sprints OHP: 2 RM DB Lateral Raise: 4x6xHeavy DB Front Raise: 4x10x Moderate Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 x 36-28-18 lb kettlebells Shrugs: 4x6x HEAVY Cycle: 33 mins. Took the long way home.
6/27/2022  Be The Person
6/27/2022 Be The Person
Be THAT person that went for it! Why not you? Why not now? Today's Training: Cycle: 29 mins Prowler: 10x80 yds Sprint: 10x40 yds Fat Grip Deadlift to a 2 rep max Let's see that G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip Reverse Hyper: 3x12 GHR: 3x12 Cycle: 27 mins
Do You Know What Rhymes With Friday?  6/24/2022
Do You Know What Rhymes With Friday? 6/24/2022
PULL-UPS, PUSH-UPS, CHIN-UPS, AND DIPS!!! THAT'S what rhymes with Friday Today's Training: Cycle: 30 mins Pull-ups: 50 in as few sets as possible Super Set w/ Push-ups: 100 in as few sets as possible Chin-ups: 50 in as few sets as possible Super Set w/ Dips: 100 in as few sets as possible DB Curl: […]
Breaking News: Vincent Dizenzo Competed
Breaking News: Vincent Dizenzo Competed
It's been four years since I have stepped on a platform. Was it successful? You'll have to read to find out.
More love for your rusty old hip flexors!
Looks goofy AF, works great!
Back AND CORE...wait, lats are a part of the core...just do these!
Massive potential for athletic carry over with these!
Old Man Conjugate: What’s Important at 20 Is Not At 50.
Old Man Conjugate: What’s Important at 20 Is Not At 50.
Tips for prioritizing your training as a Washed Up Meathead

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