Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Friday Not a normal sun's out, but Sky is out
Friday Not a normal sun's out, but Sky is out
Selkow was the strength and conditioning coach of the NHL Arizona Sundogs as well as for the Bradshaw Mountain High School football program. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in multitude of sports the last 35 years. Selkow is currently working at Combat Sports Academy in Dublin, California.
Leg Training and a Bonus Tricep Workout You Should Try.
Leg Training and a Bonus Tricep Workout You Should Try.
Dave Tate, CSCS, CEO and Founder Inc. Dave is currently training to get into the best shape of his life while managing 30 years of extensive post competitive damage, his business roles, being a husband and father.
Weekend, Winning, and Losing
Weekend, Winning, and Losing
Sunday was a bit of a rough day for me. I woke up with muscle spasms in my back and they stayed for most of the day. Sunday was a day of laying on the couch for me.
I Don't Even Know Where To Begin
I Don't Even Know Where To Begin
In the sport for over 25 years and the first to squat 1100 pounds, Goggins remains active in powerlifting as a competitor and coach. He last competed at the 2014 Raw Unity and is prepping for 2015 Raw Unity.
Training Since UGGS
Training Since UGGS
Training since getting back has toned down a bit. I've had two good bench workouts on Mondays since that time.
How to Bench 225 for 40 reps
How to Bench 225 for 40 reps
One of the biggest misconceptions of training for the 225 rep test is that an athlete must train by doing the 225 rep test
Monday Bench
Monday Bench
The plan coming in was to do some volume training on bench. My chest and upper body feel great. No problems at all with upper body. That's a great feeling for me. When something feels good and don't hurt.
Why some articles suck and how to fix them
Why some articles suck and how to fix them
These are three basic components that every article needs, that most seem lacking, which specifically writing in the strength training industry.
An Evening with Dennis Lehane
An Evening with Dennis Lehane
Narrative is what connects the dots. It is the story we tell ourselves that we are going to live the rest of our lives by.
The Ultimate Certification
The Ultimate Certification
If I were to design the end-all-to-be-all certification, what would it look like?
You may have Conjugated Periodization all Wrong
You may have Conjugated Periodization all Wrong
One thing I have noticed is that the word conjugated or conjugate has been on of the most overly used or misused terms as of late.
Pittsburgh City League Football
Pittsburgh City League Football
When I showed up at Carrick High School, Craig's 4 year old son, Dominic was wearing a full football uniform and Craig was giving out helmets, girdles, and jerseys.
X Seminar Slides, Book and Links
Articles: How to set up a basic conjugate program Dynamic Effort Outline Max Effort Outline Two Most Shared Articles Westside Only Works For Geared Lifters, Right? Rank Your Powerlifting Coach Guide To Supplemental Movements 12 Tips For The Advanced Lifter Dave Slide Show LTTx2018Dave     Dave Tate Bench Manual EFSBenchManual       Dave […]
Certifications are as much about Context as Content
Certifications are as much about Context as Content
You may know that I not only am unafraid, but almost feel obligated to question just about everyone and everything I see that doesn't sit well for the overall well being of our physical and athletic culture of our society.
Please stop using the term GPP incorrectly
Please stop using the term GPP incorrectly
You cannot use the term GPP to describe any training program because there is no context. You have to indicate what you are generally physically preparing for.
The 3 Things that Made me a Better Coach
The 3 Things that Made me a Better Coach
Once I stopped worrying what other people were doing and how other coaches training their athletes, I felt like I was free.`
Trip to Hawaii and Please Stop Pretending
Trip to Hawaii and Please Stop Pretending
Here’s what needs to stop; douche-bag trainers and fake hard-core “coaches” thinking their training in someway replicates what our armed service personnel do to defend our freedom.
Training in the Fitness Industry: The Right Way & the Wrong Way
Training in the Fitness Industry: The Right Way & the Wrong Way
Most actions can't really be classified as right or wrong. Things that happen really aren't good or bad. They are usually good an bad. Most decisions have both negative repercussions and positive outcomes.
Gone Too Soon | One Last Rant
Gone Too Soon | One Last Rant
All of elitefts mourns the loss of "The Angry Coach," Bob Ihlenfeldt.
Is your job miserable? Good, I'm glad.
Is your job miserable? Good, I'm glad.
There are a few things I have no tolerance for. One is people who complain about their jobs.

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